CBSE Summary with NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Poem Dad and The Cat and The Tree for revision and better performance in tests and exams. The poet, Kit Wright, in this humorous poem, teaches us to never give up and keep trying until we succeed. Below you can find a brief explanation of the lesson and NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Poem Dad and The Cat and The Tree.
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Let’s Summarise NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Poem Dad and The Cat and The Tree
In NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Poem Dad and The Cat and The Tree, One morning, a cat got stuck in the tree of a child’s backyard. The kid’s dad, confident of his climbing skills, announced that he will take care of it. The narrators’ father decided to climb the tree. The narrator’s mum was concerned and warned him that he might fall, but he dismissed her and slipped from the ladder and had a subtle fall.
After falling once, he did not give up hope and he thought of a plan B. Yet again ignoring his wife warnings, he swung himself upon a branch of the tree, the branch broke and dad fell again.
He continued with the optimistic hope and climbed up the garden wall, as a part of plan C. To everyone’s surprise, he did not fall this time. However, the moment he leaped for the tree, the cat, surprised, jumped to the ground, safe and sound. Poor father, on the other hand, got stuck on the tree.
Stanza wise Explanation of NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Poem Dad and The Cat and The Tree
(All the italicized lines given below have been taken from Kit Wright’s poem, ‘Dad and The Cat and The Tree’.Find NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Poem Dad and The Cat and The Tree below)
Stanza 1
This morning a cat got
Stuck in our tree.
Dad said, “Right, just
Leave it to me.”
The narrator recites that one morning, a cat got stuck in their tree and the narrator’s father took the responsibility of bringing the cat down, confident of his climbing skills.

Stanza 2
The tree was wobbly,
The tree was tall.
Mum said, “For goodness’
Sake don’t fall!”
The narrator describes the tree as unsteady and tall. the narrator’s mother was full of concern and warned her husband that he might fall.
Stanza 3
“Fall?’ scoffed Dad,
“A climber like me?
Child’s play, this is!
You wait and see.”
The father raised eyebrows at her wife for doubting a climber like him and with oozing confidence, he said that it was as easy as a child’s play.
Stanza 4
He got out the ladder
From the garden shed.
It slipped. He landed
In the flower bed.
The narrator’s father brought out a ladder from the garden shed, he placed it against the tree, but, it slipped and dad fell on the ground among the flowers.

Stanza 5
“Never mind,” said Dad,
Brushing the dirt
Off his hair and his face
And his trousers and his shirt,
The narrator’s father pats off the dirt from his hair and clothes, cleans his face, and then after recollecting his enthusiasm, he thinks of another way to climb the tree.
Stanza 6
“We’ll try Plan B. Stand
Out of the way!”
Mum said, “Don’t fall
Again, O.K.?”
The narrator’s father comes up with Plan B. His wife, scared of him falling again, asks him to be careful.

Stanza 7
“Fall again,” said, Dad.
“Funny joke!”
Then he swung himself up
On a branch. It broke.
The narrator’s father ignores his wife’s warning. And with the same confidence, he swung himself on a branch like a monkey, but the branch broke and he fell on the ground once again.

Stanza 8
Dad landed wallop
Back on the deck.
Mum said, “Stop it,
You’ll break your neck!”
The narrator’s father met failure yet again and the narrator’s mother pleaded him to stop as he might snap his neck from falling over and over again.

Stanza 9
“Rubbish!” said Dad.
“Now we’ll try Plan C.
Easy as winking;
To a climber like me!”
The narrator’s father refused to give up and was up for trying Plan C. He was still boosted with confidence as he believed he was a great climber and he would succeed easily.
Stanza 10
Then he climbed up high
On the garden wall.
Guess what?
He didn’t fall!
The narrator’s father climbed up the high garden wall and to everyone’s surprise, he did not fall this time.
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Stanza 11
He gave a great leap
And he landed flat
In the crook of the tree-trunk
Right on the cat!
The father bounced towards the crook of the tree and landed on top of the tree right where the cat sat.

Stanza 12
The cat gave a yell
And sprang to the ground,
Pleased as Punch to be
Safe and sound.
As the father landed right on the cat, the cat was surprised and yelled with fear, jumping to the ground and landing safe and sound. The cat looked proud and happy to get off the tree by itself.
Stanza 13
So it’s smiling and smirking,
Smug as can be
But poor old Dad’s Still
The narrator points out that the cat smiled with utter smug and arrogance, proud of itself for landing smoothly whereas the father’s condition was in pity, as he got stuck on the tree.

NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Poem Dad and The Cat and The Tree: Poem Analysis
- Form (structure or pattern) of the poem – The poem has 13 stanzas.
- Style (literary elements used by the poet) of the poem – The poem is written in a rhyme scheme of ABCB which is a simple four-line rhyme scheme.
- Tone (the poet’s or reader’s attitude towards the subject) of the poem – The poem has a humorous tone.
NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Poem Dad and The Cat and The Tree: Poetic Devices
- Anthropomorphism – Assigning human attributes to animals and insects. From the poem, it’s smiling and smirking.
- Alliteration – The occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words. From poem, smiling and smirking, tree-trunk, pleased as punch.
NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Poem Dad and The Cat and The Tree
Working with The Poem
(Find NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Poem Dad and The Cat and The Tree below)
Q. 1 Why was Dad sure he wouldn’t fall? (Dad and The Cat and The Tree)
A) The Dad was sure he wouldn’t fall because he believed himself to be a great climber.
Q. 2. Which phrase in the poem expresses dad’s self-confidence best? (Dad and The Cat and The Tree)
A) Phrases from the poem that expresses dad’s self-confidence are:
- “Right. just leave it to me.”
- “Easy as winking to a climber like me.”
- “A climber like me? Child’s play, this is!”
- “Fall again, funny joke!”
Q. 3. Describe Plan A and its consequences. (Dad and The Cat and The Tree)
A) Father’s Plan A was to get the ladder and climb up the ladder to reach the cat. Unfortunately, the ladder slipped and the father fell on the flower bed.
Q. 4. Plan C was a success. What went wrong then? (Dad and The Cat and The Tree)
A) Indeed, Plan C was a success, but, it did not work out as planned. The father landed right where the cat sat, this surprised the cat and it jumped and landed on the ground smoothly, pleased with itself, leaving the dad stuck on the tree.
Q. 5. The cat was very happy to be on the ground. Pick out the phrase used to express this idea. (Dad and The Cat and The Tree)
A) The phrases from the poem which expresses the content of the cat are:
- “Smiling and Smirking.”
- “Pleased as Punch”
Q. 6. Describe the cat and the dad’s situation in the beginning and at the end of the poem. (Dad and The Cat and The Tree)
A) At the start, the cat was stuck on the tree and the father was confident to be able to climb up the tree and get the cat safely. Although, as the poem reaches the end, the cat was free and in arrogance while the poor father was stuck on the tree.
Q. 7. Why and when did Dad say each of the following? (Dad and The Cat and The Tree)
- Fall
- Never mind
- Funny joke
- Rubbish
- When his wife cautioned him against falling, the father with a raised eyebrow said “fall?”
- After he fell on to the ground, the father refused to give up and brushing the dirt from his hair and clothes said, “never mind.”
- When his wife alarmed him against falling o while he was trying Plan B, he found his wife’s worries to be a “funny joke.”
- After the second fall, when his wife interfered saying that he might break his neck, he expelled her warnings by saying, “rubbish.”
Q. 8. Do you find the poem humorous? Read aloud lines that make you laugh. (Dad and The Cat and The Tree)
A) Yes, the poem has humorous incidents, like:
- “the cat gave a yell and sprang to the ground.”
- “it slipped and he landed in the flower bed.”
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Some Frequently Asked Questions
(Find below FAQ of NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Poem Dad and The Cat and The Tree)
Q. 1. Describe the tone in which the narrator’s father dismissed his wife’s warnings every single time.
A) When his wife warned him the first time, the father was appalled. He believed himself to be a great climber and thought that her concerns were vain. The second time his wife warned him, he laughed at her, finding her worries to be a funny joke.
Q. 2. What do you learn from the poem ‘Dad and The Cat and The Tree’?
A) The confidence of the narrator’s father and the enthusiasm with which he keeps trying to get to the cat motivates us to never give up.
Conclusion of NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Poem Dad and The Cat and The Tree
The above written includes the explanation and question answers of NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Poem Dad and The Cat and The Tree. Browse our site for various detailed and easy NCERT Solutions and CBSE Notes and Comprehensive Summary.