NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 2 A Gift Of Chappals Summary

class 7 english honeycomb chapter 2 a gift of chappals
class 7 english honeycomb chapter 2 a gift of chappals

This article consists of A Gift Of Chappals Summary. Along with the NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 2.It is a story by a gift of chappals author VASANTHA SURYA [from Mridu in Madras: Goruchaka Turns Up]. The story revolves around five children who are too compassionate and loving towards everyone. You can find Class 7 English A Gift of Chappals question answer and NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 2 from our article below.

Read more: NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Honeycomb Unit 9 Poem Garden Snake

A Gift of Chappals Summary: Introduction

NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 2 a gift of chappals author explains that Mridu is a young girl growing up in Chennai with Tapi and Thatha, her grandparents. One afternoon Tapi visits her aunt Rukku Manni’s house and meets her cousins Lalli, Ravi, Mridu, and Meena. Everybody there was happy to see her.

The Kitten in the backyard

There was a thick bush in their backyard. Ravi took her there and she saw a little kitty inside a torn football. The kitty was drinking milk from a half coconut shell.

The kitten was found outside their house and the children kept it a secret or else the grandmother would not like it. Ravi said that even though they were taught to be kind towards animals and other beings, they did not allow pets.

NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 2 A Gift of Chappals
A Gift of Chappals Summary: The kitten

He had to bring the milk very carefully for the cat as his grandmother was suspicious regarding his actions. Ravi even had to drink the milk more than half and wash the tumbler to not appear suspicious. He kept the cat’s name as Mahendravarma Pallava Poonai, just like a human’s real name, not any common kitty name.

History of cats

He started talking about the history of cats. Ravi said that in ancient Egypt they worshipped cat and was certain the cat was a descendant of the Mahabalipuram Rishi-Cat, a close relative of the lion. He also claimed that the cat was a descendent of the Egyptian cat goddessBastet.

The Creech sound

Ravi was busy talking about the cat and suddenly they heard a Creech! Mridu was shocked. Mahendran was scared. The screeching noise continued. Ravi then said that Lalli was learning the violin. Mridu tried to take a look and saw that the music master was playing the violin flawlessly while Lalli was struggling and it looked like the violin was feeling sad in her hands.

NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 2 A Gift of Chappals
A Gift of Chappals Summary: Lalli in her music class

The appearance of the beggar

The children were looking at Lalli and were making fun of her when Rukku Manni called Ravi and told him to send the beggar away. The beggar always came to her house for a week whilst they wanted to make him go to someone else’s house. He was planning to doze off in their garden under the shadow of a neem tree.

Suddenly Ravi came and asked him to leave. He said that the women of that house had kept him surviving for a week and was shocked to hear that. Rukku Manni shouted to Ravi and said that the beggar should leave now because there was nothing to eat at home at that time. The beggar said that he would leave but to give him some time as the sun was hot and he had boils on his toes.

 A Gift Of Chappals Summary

The children were sad to see this and they thought that he should have a pair of chappal. The children searched the house but there were no chappals that could fit his feet. Then they saw that outside Lalli’s classroom there were a pair of chappals that would fit him and without a second thought, they gave it to him. This was the gift of chappals. The beggar was happy and left immediately. He blessed the children before he went away. 

Gift of chappals
A Gift of Chappals Summary: The gift of chappals

Suddenly the music master was about to leave as Lalli’s lessons were finished for that day. But he was unable to see his chappals then. He informed everyone that they were brand new and he bought them with a full month’s fees. The children grew silent.

Rukku Manni saw them and noticed that they were awfully quiet. Then she decided to give away the pair of Gopu Mama’s hardly worn, new chappals. The music master was very happy but he tried to hide his happiness. The new chappals were even costlier. He then told her that kids these days were very disrespectful and compared Ravi to a monkey. This was not liked by Rukku Manni and the master picked up her look and decided to leave soon.

A Gift of Chappals Extra Questions and Answers

Find A Gift Of Chappals Question Answer Class 7 below:

Question 1

What is the secret that Meena shares with Mridu in the backyard?

Ans. Meena showed the pet kitty they had been hiding in their backyard.

Question 2

How does Ravi get milk for the kitten?

Ans. Ravi brought the milk in a tumbler, but then Paati saw him and he had to make an excuse that the milk was for him. He even drank more than half of it to prove to her. Then, he quickly emptied the rest on the coconut shell and washed the tumbler too.

Question 3

Who does he say the kitten’s ancestors are? Do you believe him?

Ans. From A Gift Of Chappals Summary, we are informed through his words that in ancient Egypt they worshipped cat and was certain the cat was a descendant of the Mahabalipuram Rishi-Cat, a close relative of the lion. He also claimed that the cat was a descendent of the Egyptian cat goddess – Bastet.

No, I do not believe him.

Question 4

Ravi has a lot to say about M.P.Poonai. This shows that
(i) he is merely trying to impress Mridu.
(ii) his knowledge of history is sound.
(iii) he has a rich imagination.
(iv) he is an intelligent child.
Which of these statements do you agree/disagree with?

Ans. This shows that Ravi has a rich imagination.

Question 5

What was the noise that startled Mridu and frightened Mahendran?

Ans. Laali’s violin sound startled Mridu and frightened Mahendran.

Question 6

Had the beggar come to Rukku Manni’s house for the first time? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans. No, Rukku Manni already said that she was fed up with the beggar who came to her house for a week, and thus she told Ravi to let him leave, find a new house to beg, and never come back.

Question 7

“A sharp V-shaped line had formed between her eyebrows.” What does it suggest to you about Rukku Manni’s mood?

Ans. This suggests us that Rukku Manni was suspicious of the children.

A Gift Of Chappals Summary: Exercises from the textbook

Find NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Chapter 2 A Gift of Chappals below:

Question 1

Complete the following sentences.
(i) Ravi compares Lalli’s playing the violin to

Ans. Derailing of a train going off track

(ii) Trying to hide beneath the tray of chilies’, Mahendran

Ans. Tipped a few chilies’ over himself.

(iii) The teacher played a few notes on his violin, and

Ans. Stumbled behind him on her violin
(iv) The beggar said that the kind ladies of the household

Ans. Have been very generous and helped him survive for a week
(v) After the lesson was over, the music teacher asked Lalli if

Ans. She saw his chappals

Question 2

Describe the music teacher, as seen from the window.

Ans. The music teacher had gold jewels and a diamond ring. This portrayed that he was very wealthy.

Question 3

(i) What makes Mridu conclude that the beggar has no
money to buy chappals?

Ans. The beggar’s feet was totally covered with boils from the heat. Mridu thus concluded that the beggar has no money to buy chappals.

(ii) What does she suggest to show her concern?

Ans. Mridu decided to give an old pair of chappal to the beggar.

Question 4

“Have you children…” she began, and then, seeing they
were curiously quiet, went on more slowly, “seen anyone
lurking around the verandah?”
(i) What do you think Rukku Manni really wanted to ask?

Ans. Rukku Manni wanted to ask if they had done something to the chappal.
(ii) Why did she change her question?

Ans. She changed her question because the children were awfully quiet.
(iii) What did she think had happened?

Ans. She thought that the children gave the beggar the chappals.

Question 5

On getting Gopu Mama’s chappals, the music teacher tried not to look too happy. Why?

Ans. The music teacher tried not to look too happy because the new chappals were more expensive than his previous ones.

Question 6

On getting a gift of chappals, the beggar vanished in a minute. Why was he in such a hurry to leave?

Ans. He was in a hurry to leave because if the elders saw him, he would have to give back the chappals.

Question 7

Walking towards the kitchen with Mridu and Meena, Rukku Manni began to laugh. What made her laugh?

Ans. They laughed imagining about when Gopu Mama would come home and with what excuse they would entertain him.

A Gift Of Chappals Summary: Working with Language

Find class 7 english chapter 2 summary, A Gift of Chappals Class 7 Questions and Answers below:

  • Fill in the blanks in the following paragraph.
    Today is Sunday. I’m wondering whether I should stay at home or go out. If I go (go) out, I will miss (miss) the lovely Sunday lunch at home. If I stay (stay) for lunch, I will miss (miss) the Sunday film showing at Archana Theatre. I think I’ll go out and see the film, only to avoid getting too fat.
  • Complete each sentence below by appropriately using any
    one of the following:

    if you want to/if you don’t want to/if you want him to
    (i) Don’t go to the theatre if you don’t want to.
    (ii) He’ll post your letter if you want him to.
    (iii) Please use my pen if you want to.
    (iv) He’ll lend you his umbrella if you want him to.
    (v) My neighbor, Ramesh, will take you to the doctor if you want him to.
    (vi) Don’t eat it if you don’t want to.

A Gift of Chappals Summary: Conclusion

A Gift Of Chappals Author colcluded that Rukku Manni at the end laughed with the children. She got to know about the Gift of chappals from their faces. She thought about what excuse she would give to Gopu Mama about the Gift of chappals as she walked inside. Thus we hope this summary of A Gift Of Chappals was insightful. We suggest you to scroll through our other articles for NCERT solutions of other chapters and poems.

Q.1. Why was the kitten kept as a secret?

Ans. Due to the fact that if their grandma finds out about the kitten, she will leave the house.

Q.2. Why had Rukku Manni become enraged with the kids?

Ans. The kids had placed Rukku Manni in an awkward circumstance. The music teacher’s chappals are no longer at their residence.

Q.3. What made Rukmini start to laugh?

Ans. The children’s amazing performance astounded Rukku Manni. She laughed as a result. She was pleased with her kids’ generosity.

Q.4. Who gave curse to Rukmini?

Ans. The wicked Durvasa rishi is claimed to have cursed the cause for this distance.