NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Chapter 10 An Alien Hand, ells us the story of the Viking Mission by NASA from a Martian’s point of view. Here we are going to give you a summary of NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Chapter 10 An Alien Hand with questions and answers from the textbook.
This is a story by author JAYANT NARLIKAR. An Alien Hand tells us the story of Viking Mission by NASA from a Martian’s point of view. Here we are going to give you a summary of Chapter 10: An Alien Hand NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English with questions and answers from the textbook.
Introduction of NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Chapter 10 An Alien Hand
NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Chapter 10 An Alien Hand, story is placed in Mars where Tilloo, a curious boy, lives with his parents, underground in artificial living conditions. The whole community lived underground. He wanted to know what was behind the door of the special passage by which his father went to work. One day they see an alien hand via control room on the surface of their planet.
Tilloo’s father went to work every day by using a special passage. That special passage was forbidden for him. Thus he grew more and more curious every day and always got a scolding from his mother whenever he went to follow his father.
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Tilloo’s Curiosity
One day when Tilloo’s father was asleep, Tilloo stole the plastic card which his father used to open the door of the special passage forbidden to Tilloo. Tilloo then walked along the passage and saw a big door. Firstly, he used the card to open the door and it worked! The door opened.
He further, went through it and was about to reach the surface of the planet. Meanwhile, Tilloo first looked up to see if he could see the sun if it was day or the stars if it was night. He just passed the gate and started to walk but the security system caught him. The security came and took him to the control room patiently. He was then sent back home.
After he was sent home
After reaching home, he found that his mother was furious and started scolding him very badly. His father came to his rescue and told his mother that he is going to make him understand patiently.
Moreover, Tilloo asked his father if he could go to the surface of the planet. He then started telling Tillloo that many years ago their ancestors used to live on the surface but the sun which once provided life suddenly turned the planet slowly into hostile.

So they had to live underground comfortably under artificial conditions. His father told Tilloo that he was one of the team members who used to monitor the artificial system so that they could live comfortably. Tilloo then asked how his father went to the surface of the planet if it was hostile. Subsequently, his father replied that they had special kinds of suits which helped them to stay there. His mother concluded by saying that Tilloo could also grow up to be a team member and go to the surface if he was a good boy who listened to his parents.
One fortunate day
One day in the control room on the surface of the planet, everyone was glued to the screen which showed a spacecraft coming towards the planet. There was a news that two space crafts were heading towards the planet and one of them had already surrounded the planet. The President held a meeting with his group and asked three of their most qualified members.
The team collectively decided not to interfere with the spacecraft. They got the information that there were only machines which had come to take samples to test if there was life on that planet and no life.
The Alien Hand
That day Tilloo was taken by his father to the control room. He was very excited. He could see the alien spacecraft on his TV screen. Then suddenly the spacecraft had an alien hand which was a mechanical hand coming out of it. However, the alien hand was approaching the surface of the planet. The alien hand then reached the soil.
Meanwhile, Tilloo’s attention shifted to the control panel with all the buttons. As a result, he became irresistible and pressed the red button. Moreover, a whistle blew and everyone was looking at Tilloo. Tilloo’s father after that managed to reverse it. But the damage was done.

The failure of the mission
Subsequently, the alien hand stopped working suddenly. The spacecraft was sent by NASA from Earth. The mechanical hand then again started working with the help of the technicians from Earth. However, the scientists behind the Viking Mission were hopeful of finding life on Mars. But they were disappointed as The Viking Mission found no signs of life on Mars.

Conclusion of NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Chapter 10 An Alien Hand
NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Chapter 10 An Alien Hand story is a fictional representation on what went wrong with the Viking Mission and why we did not find life on Mars. It explains us that Martians were not ready for our visit and thus they hid underground and thus we could find no sign of life there.
Comprehension questions 1 of NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Chapter 10 An Alien Hand
1. How does Tilloo manage to find his way to the ‘forbidden passage’
Ans. One day when Tilloo’s father was sleeping, he managed to take the plastic card by which his father used to open the door to the ‘forbidden passage’.
2.What did Tilloo hope to see once he emerged from his underground home?
Ans. Tilloo hoped to see the sun if it was day or the stars if it was night.
3.Why did Tilloo’s father advise him not to try to reach the surface of the planet?
Ans. Tilloo’s father advised him not to try to reach the surface of the planet because it was very hostile.
4.What changes had occurred, which forced people to live in underground homes?
Ans. The sun which once provided life was now suddenly hostile and people thus could not survive in the surface of the planet, this forced people to live in underground homes.
Comprehension questions 2 of NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Chapter 10 An Alien Hand
1.Why was everyone in the Control Room greatly excited?
Ans. Everyone in the Control Room greatly excited because they have two visitors that is, two spacecraft to visit them.
2.Was the spacecraft manned or unmanned? How do you know it?
Ans. The spacecraft unmanned.
We know it because when it landed, an ‘alien hand‘ or mechanical hand came out of it to take samples.
3.What did Number One and Number Two suggest should be done about the alien spacecraft?
Ans. Number One and Number Two suggested that they should leave the spacecraft alone and not let the spacecraft know about life on the planet.
Exercises from the textbook of NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Chapter 10 An Alien Hand
1.What do you think the mechanical hand was trying to do?
Ans. The mechanical hand was trying to take samples.
2.Tilloo pressed the red button and “the damage was done”. What was the damage?
Ans. The alien hand stopped working. That was the damage.
3.Where had the spacecraft come from?
Ans. The spacecraft came from Earth.
4.On which planet do Tilloo and his parents live?
Ans. Tilloo and his parents lived on Mars.