In order to impart an important moral message for children, short moral stories in English are often the preferred option for the majority of parents. They are not just entertaining their imagination, but can also teach them about the world. Authors such as Enid Blyton are known for writing children’s books, helping them explore various imaginations.
Good moral stories can be a method to impart knowledge that can make them more relatable and fascinating. Instead of just instructing your child not to lie, telling a brief tale about it will help students comprehend the consequences of lying. This helps them become cognizant of the actions they take as well as their consequences. The moral lessons learned from these stories can help to shape your character as well as morality when they get older.
Here are 10 lines short stories with moral in English for you and your children to learn a lesson or two from.
The Hare and the Tortoise Story with Moral
There was one hare who had a relationship with the tortoise. One day the tortoise was challenged to the race. After seeing that the tortoise’s speed was slow it was the hare’s thought that he would take the win. Therefore, he took a rest while the tortoise kept moving. When the hare awoke to find that the tortoise was nearing the finish line. Much to his dismay, the tortoise was the winner of the race even though the hare was sleeping.
A moral to the tale
There are a number of moral lessons that we could take away from this story. Hares teaches us that being too confident can lead to disaster. The tortoise, on the other hand, shows us the importance of determination. Even when the odds are against you, do not quit. Sometimes it’s not about who’s strongest or fastest but rather who’s the most reliable.
The Dog and the Bone Story with Moral

There was a dog that walked through the streets day and night looking for food. Then, one day, he came across the largest juicy bone, and immediately put it in his teeth and brought it home. When he returned to his home, he crossed the river and came across another dog that also had an animal bone inside the mouth of its owner. He was determined to get that bone for himself as well. However, when he opened his mouth the bone he was chewing dropped into the water and began to sink. In the evening, he went to bed hungry.
A moral to the story
If we constantly envy the wealth of others then we’ll eventually lose the things we have already as did the dog who is greedy.
The Thirsty Crow Story with Moral

After a long flight the crow, who was thirsty, was scurrying around the woods in search of water. Then, he came across a half-filled pot of water. He tried drinking from it but his mouth was not long enough to get to the water within. Then, he noticed pebbles lying on the ground. one at a time, he placed them into the pot until the water was filled to the top. The crow then snuck a drink from the water and sat down to drink.
A moral to the story
If there’s a will there’s an answer. Every issue has a solution If we are willing to look enough and keep trying.
Lazy John Story with Moral

There was a young man known as John that was really lazy that the boy didn’t bother to alter his clothing. One day, he noticed the apple tree in their backyard was full of fruit. He was keen to eat apples, but did not want to scale up the tree to pick the fruit. Therefore, he sat on the ground beneath the branch and patiently waited for the apples to fall. John continued to wait until he became hungry, but the apples did not fall.
The moral of the tale Lazy John:
The lack of discipline can cost you your way. If you are looking for something, you must put in the effort.
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The Fox and The Grapes

A hungry fox who came across an estate. After observing the grapes’ round, sweet grapes lying in a clump and drooling, the fox was enthralled. However, regardless of the height he went but he could not reach for the grapes. Then he thought to himself it probably tasted sour and went home. The next night, he was forced to lie down on an empty stomach.
Moral of the Story the Fox and The Grapes:
We all tend to behave like a Fox. When we want something and we think it’s too difficult to achieve, we come up with up excuses. We tell ourselves it’s likely not worth it instead of putting in the effort to achieve it.
The Ant and The Grasshopper Story with Moral

The grasshopper and the ant were great pals. In summer season, the ant has to work hard to fill his tank with food. While the grasshopper enjoyed the beautiful weather and playing throughout the day. As winter approached, the ant sat cozy in his house, in the midst of the food he had stored throughout the summer. The grasshopper was also in his house frozen and hungry, he was freezing. The ant asked him for food, and the ant offered him some. However, it was not enough to endure the whole winter. When he attempted to contact an ant for a second time and was told: “I’m sorry my friend but the food I have is enough to get through the last day of winter. If I offer you more, we’ll become starving. We had all summer to get ready for winter, but you chose to play instead..”
A moral to the story of The Ant and The Grasshopper
In this story depicts a time in our lives where resources and food are in short supply. The summer season is when everything is abundant. Therefore, if you’ve got lots of stuff in your possession, put aside a portion of it to be used in winter.
The Boy Who Cried Wolf Story with Moral

There was one shepherd boy who was fond of engaging in tricks. One day, as I was watching the herd the boy was playing an act and shouted “wolf! wolf!”. The people who heard the call rushed to assist the boy. However, they were disappointed when they realized it was not a wolf, and that the kid was making fun of them. On the next day, he tried the same thing again, and people came to help him but were disappointed again. The next day, one of the boys saw a wild wolf eat the sheep of one his flock, and demanded assistance. However, the people who heard his story thought that this was another of his pranks, and nobody came to aid him. The next day the boy was able to lose some herds to Wolf.
A moral to the tale
If you lie constantly and cheat other people There will come an age when nobody will trust them anymore.
The Ugly Duckling Story with Moral

We’ve all been familiar with this tale as it is among the most well-known fairy tales that you can find. The story centers around an adorable duckling, who from the time of his birth has been different from his siblings. He was constantly criticized because he wasn’t like others. Someday, he was fed up enough and fled the pond that he grew up in. He travelled far and near seeking a family that would be willing to accept him. The seasons changed over time and months passed, but wherever he went, nobody would take him in because the ugly duck. When he was looking for a new home, the swan was spotted by an entire family of swans. When he looked at the swans, he noticed that in the time that he searched for the family he could be his own, he’d transformed into a beautiful swan. Then he realized that he was never like his family members because he’s not an ordinary duck, but a swan.
The moral of the tale:
It’s not a good idea to judge someone by their appearance. Even if someone doesn’t conform to social definitions of beauty does not mean that they are ugly. Every one of us is beautiful in our own individual way, and it’s high time to acknowledge and celebrate our individuality.
The Lion and the Poor Slave Story With Moral

There was a slave who was cruelly treated by his owner. A few days later, he could not accept it any longer and fled into the forests to flee. Then he came across a lion that couldn’t walk due to the thorns inside its hind paw. Even though he was scared but the slave gathered his strength and snuffed out the thorn from the paw of the lion. After the lion had been released from his thorn it sprinted into the forest but did not harm the slave. The slave was captured by his master, along with other animals that were that were in the area. The master ordered his slave taken into the Lion’s Den. The slave spotted the animal, he realized it as being the same animal he had helped to save in the woods. He was then able escape without injury and freed of the animals.
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A moral to the story
The good work you’ve done will always have the possibility of returning to you. Therefore, do good deeds and show kindness to people around you as the whole world is likely to also be nice to you.
The Elephant and the Ants Story With Moral

There was an elephant that was proud and took on smaller animals. He would walk to the anthill close to the house he lived in and then spray water on the Ants. The ants, due to their size, did nothing more than cry. The elephant chuckled at the ants and threatened them that he’d take them down to the ground. The bugs had got bored they decided that it was time to show the elephant an important lesson. They immediately jumped into the trunk of the elephant and began biting the elephant. The elephant could only scream in the pain. He realized that he had made a mistake and apologized for it to the ants as well as all the animals that he bullied.
A moral to the story
Treat people with kindness. If you believe you’re more powerful than the rest, then you can use your strength to defend yourself instead of hurting others.