The Bond of Love covers the story written by Kenneth Anderson in an easy way. It revolves around the story of the bond of love between a human and a wild animal. We learn that there is a bear whose name is “Bruno” and the author’s wife adopts him. Bruno was a sloth bear whom the author saved and gifted to his wife. Further, as time passed, the wife grew very fond of Bruno and treated him like her own child. However, due to unavoidable circumstances, she has to leave him for the betterment of her family. Upon separating she realizes that she shares a true bond of love with Bruno and reunites with him.
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The Bond of Love Class 9 Summary
The Bond of Love is about the emotional bond the author’s wife and her pet share. The author rescued the baby bear in an accident and gifted it to his wife. After that, they bonded like he was their child and the author’s wife loves him a lot. We see that the family nourished him and helped him grow. As Bruno grew up, he bonded with everyone, from the children to the pet dogs. He Had his bed and would play around with the little ones all day.
However, in n accident one day, Bruno ate poison to kill rats. After consuming poison, Bruno got paralyzed, and after proper treatment, they were able to save him. Son, life became normal when, in another incident, he drank up a whole gallon of old engine oil meant for termites. But surprisingly, it did not affect Bruno. Thus, Bruno started growing in size but was equally sweet and playful. Upon growing up, they changed his name to ‘Baba’, which meant a small boy in Hindi. He picked up a few tricks growing up and entertained everyone. Nonetheless, his size was a problem and being an animal, and he threatened the children.
Therefore, everyone except the wife was ready to send him to a zoo as he was not fit as a pet. While initially disagreed, she had to give in for everyone’s safety. After the official paperwork, he was ready for the Mysore Zoo. The wife missed him terribly and asked everyone to visit the zoo about his well-being. She learned that Baba was not eating well and remained sad all day. So, after three months, she decides to visit him herself.
The Bond of love Class 9 Notes
The Bond of Love covers the story written by Kenneth Anderson in an easy way. It revolves around the story of the bond of love between a human and a wild animal. We learn that there is a bear whose name is “Bruno” and the author’s wife adopts him. Bruno was a sloth bear whom the author saved and gifted to his wife. Further,as time passed, the wife grew very fond of Bruno and treated him like her own child. However, due to unavoidable circumstances she has to leave him for the betterment of her family. Upon separating she realizes that she shares a true bond of love with Bruno and reunites with him.
Explanation :
The Bond of Love Story Explanation: The author begins The story bond of love With Bruno, his wife’s Sloth Bear. The narrator’s wife got a pet sloth bear pet due to an accident. Two years before the time when this story was written, the narrator and his friends were passing through sugarcane fields near Mysore. Farmers were driving out pigs from their farms by shooting at them. As it was over, a sloth bear appeared from the area. It was breathing heavily due to running and excessive heat. The author said he would not shoot a bear wantonly, but unfortunately, one of his companions did not feel that way and promptly shot the Bear on the spot.
The Bear was shot dead as they watched the fallen animal; they were surprised to see that the black fur moved and left the prone body. Then we saw it was a baby bear that had been riding on its mother’s back when the sudden shot had killed her. The little creature ran around its prostrate parent, making a pitiful noise. Now that the mother bear was dead, the baby got up and ran around the mother’s body, crying.
The narrator tries to catch the baby bear. The baby escaped into a sugarcane field. The group chased it, and finally, the author caught hold of it from the back of its neck. The Bear tried to snatch them with its hook-shaped claws.
The group stuffed the Bear in a gunny bag and took it to Bengaluru. The author gifted the baby bear to his wife. She was happy to have it and tied a colored ribbon on its neck. As it was a male cub, she named it ‘Bruno’. The Bear drank milk from a bottle. After a few days, it started drinking and eating many things- anything and everything. The Bear enjoyed eating and drinking. Bruno became friendly with the narrator’s Alsatian dogs also. Also, the tenant’s children lived in the narrator’s bungalow. As the Bear was left free, it played, ran around the house and even slept in the narrator’s bed.
One day accidentally, Bruno drank the poison kept in the library to kill rats. He was paralyzed and could not stand on his feet. As it reached the narrator’s wife, she called him, and he realized what had happened. He took Bruno to a veterinary doctor. The doctor asked everyone to hold Bruno. As it screamed, the medicine was injected. As the condition did not change, another injection was given. Ten minutes later, Bruno’s breathing eased it could stand after thirty minutes and ate food. It gave them such a look that showed that it had been fine all the time and as if nothing had happened to it.
In Another incident, Bruno drank the used engine oil that the narrator had taken out of his Studebaker car and had kept getting rid of termites. That did not affect Bruno. As the day passed, Bruno grew bigger and outgrew the alsatian dogs. Still, it was sweet, naughty, and playful like before. He was fond of everyone. The narrator’s wife was very attached to Bruno. She changed his name to Baba, which means a small boy in the Indian language.
Baba did some tricks when he was ordered ‘Baba Wrestle’ or ‘Baba Box’; he would wrestle the person and overpower him. When commanded, ‘Baba, hold gun’, he would point a stick at the person as if ready to shoot him. When asked, ‘Baba, where’s baby?’ He would take out a piece of wood under the straw bed. As he had grown enormous, he was chained because he could be a threat to the tenant’s children.
Baba was sent to Mysore zoo after being advised by their family and friends. The author’s wife agreed to send Baba to the zoo after being advised by all as Baba can be a threat to people around them. After that, friends visiting Mysore were begged to make a point of going to the zoo and seeing how Baba was getting along. They reported that he was well but looked very thin and sad. All the keepers at the zoo said he was fretting. For three months, the narrator restrained his wife from visiting Mysore Zoo. But after that, the author took him to the Mysore zoo.
Their friends had predicted that Baba would not recognize her, and the narrator had thought so too, but to his amazement, she was a few steps away from the cage when Baba saw her and recognized her. He screamed with happiness. She ran up to him, petted him, and Baba was happy to have her back.
She remained there for three hours. She fed Baba different things which were his favorites. As the zoo had to close, they had to leave. The narrator’s wife did not want to leave Baba, and both cried bitterly. Even the zoo in charge was sad. The narrator was okay because he knew the next step would be to take Baba back to Bengaluru. The wife requested the authority to take Baba back. He replied that the Bear was government property and that she needed permission from the Superintendent in Bengaluru.
The “Bond of Love” story is written by the author Kenneth Anderson. Kenneth Anderson was an Indian-born, British writer and hunter who wrote books about his adventures in the jungle of South India. He was born on 8 March 1910, in Bengaluru. His love for the inhabitants of the Indian jungle led him to be a big game hunter and to write real-life adventure stories. His style of writing is descriptive as he talks about his adventures with wild animals.
Word Meaning:
1. Sloth Bear: A bear species native to India
2. Panting: Breathing quickly especially after running
3. Wantontly: For no good reason
4. Inconsolable: Not able to be comforted
5. Curator: Animals collection of zoo
6. Fret: worry
7. Prostrate: Lying on the ground facing downwards
8. Scooting: To rush quickly
9. Claws: Curved nails at the end of an animals feet or beak
10. Trample: to walk on someone and hurt or destroy
11. Pathetic: Causing pity or sympathy
12. Condiments: Anything that is used to add flavour to dishes
13. Alsatian: Often called German Shepherds
14. Gobble: Eating quickly
15. Reconciled: To restore one’s friendly relationship
16. Meek: Silent and not harmful
17. Moat: A deep pit filled with water
18. Gnarled: Knotted and rough
19. Hindrance: Something that holds back
20. Nostalgic: Reminding of one earlier days
The Bond of Love Class 9 Question and Answers
1. How did the author get the baby sloth bear?
2. Why did author not kill the sloth bear when she appeared suddenly?
3. How did the author capture the bear cub?
4. How did the author’s wife receive the baby sloth bear?
5. How was Bruno, the baby bear, fed initially? What followed within a few days?
6. Why had Bruno to be kept in chains most of the time?
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The Bond of Love Class 9 Conclusion
This Story Bond of Love teaches us that a true Bond of love is not restricted to humans only, even pet animals understand the love and care that we share with them. this story shows that the true lovers can never remain separated. even if he love is between a human mother and a bear cub,they still found peace close to each other. to sum up we can say that a true bond of love does not limit to anything, it can be present amongst the most unexpected places and nothing can hamper it.