Home Outbound Application Leave Application For One Day

Leave Application For One Day

Leave Application For One Day

The practice of writing a leave application before going on leave is a common and proper custom in all workplaces, schools, and other institutions these days. The mode of communication of such information has evolved from the traditional printed letter form to the present digital form, but the practice still remains the most appropriate behavior before going off of work.

Writing a leave application can easily prevent disruptions and complications at the workplace. It also enables the employer to understand their employee’s needs better and keep a running track of their days of leave. To make the approval of the leave request easier, you can also add some genuine documents in favor of your stated reason.

There are a few things that you need to include in the format of a formal leave application.

Leave application necessary points

  1. The Subject of your application
  2. The Salutation
  3. The reason for your absence
  4. The date of absence and date of joining back
  5. The name of your replacement during your absence
  6. Availability and mode of communication during your absence
  7. Gratitude to the receiver for considering your request
  8. Your name, job title, and signature
  9. Your contact information

Leave application Samples

Mentioned below are a few samples of how to write a formal leave application for one day.

Leave application for one day in the office

Subject- Request for a day’s leave on [Date]

Dear Mr./Mrs./ Ms. [Name],

This is to seek your permission for a day’s leave from work on [Date]. There is a family event scheduled in my hometown on [Date]. It is my first cousin’s wedding ceremony, and I have to attend it. It will only be a day’s affair.

I am aware that I am to present the progress of my current project on that day. Therefore, I have explained and handed over all my responsibilities to my team member [Name]. He will be willing to answer any queries on my behalf during my absence.

During my days of absence, I will be available on [Email address] or on my number. I will be grateful for your consideration and approval.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

[Job Title]


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Sick Leave application for one day in the office

Subject- Request for an emergency day off on [Date]

Dear Mr./Mrs./ Ms. [Name],

This is to inform you that I will be unable to be present at work tomorrow on [Date]. While on my way back home from work today, I met with a minor road accident. I am not severely injured but have been kept under observation at the hospital for a day.

I have delegated all my duties to my trusted team member [Name] for tomorrow. She is ready to continue my ongoing project on my behalf and take up any queries should they arise.

In case of emergency, I will remain active on my phone number. And if I am required to take any more leave, I shall inform you well in advance. Please grant me the required leave for a day. I expect your kind consideration.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

[Job Title]


Casual Leave application for one day in the office

Subject- Request for a day off on [Date]

Dear Mr./Mrs./ Ms. [Name],

This is to request you for a day off from work on [Date]. I have just recently moved into town. And I am not done with the moving process yet. I would like a day off to arrange and unpack all my belongings and get settled into my new space.

I have checked and made sure that there are no pre-scheduled meetings for that day and have also completed my current project. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience in case any queries arise.

I request you to grant me leave for the date mentioned. I will be thankful for your kind consideration.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

[Job Title]


Leave application for one day due to fever

Subject- Request for a day’s leave on [Date] due to high fever

Dear Mr./Mrs./ Ms. [Name],

This is to inform you about my expected absence from work tomorrow on [Date]. I haven’t been in the best of my health since yesterday evening and my condition has worsened today. I have a very high fever and have been vomiting all day long. Therefore, I won’t be present for work tomorrow.

I will remain accessible on my contact number in case of an emergency. Furthermore, all my duties have been handed over to Mr./ Ms. [Name] for tomorrow. He/ She understands all the details and will take all questions on my behalf.

I request kind consideration and support from you. I will be grateful for your approval.

Any further extension of the leave period will also be informed of beforehand.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

[Job Title]


Leave application for one day due to fever

Subject- Request for a day’s leave on [Date]

Dear Sir/ Madam,

This is to inform you that I will not be able to attend school on [Date]. This is because one of my family members is not keeping well. They have been admitted to the hospital and my family is planning to visit them in Delhi. We are expected to be present there as the immediate and closest family members. We cannot avoid this at any cost.

I am planning to keep up with all my classwork. I will return on [Date] with all my work done. My friend will help me in the same way.

Therefore, I request you to grant me leave for the date mentioned. I will be thankful to you.


Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]



Leave application for one day in the office due to exam

Subject- Request for one day leave on [Date] due to exam

Dear Mr./Mrs./ Ms. [Name],

This is to seek your approval for the request for one day’s leave on [Date]. It is due to the fact that I have to take an examination in Delhi on that day. I applied for an online course on telecommunications two months ago. And the certification course for that exam is scheduled on the mentioned day. Receiving this certification will prove to be very beneficial for me as well as our company.

I have made all the prior arrangements for my day-to-day duties to be carried out by Mr./ Ms. [name] on the day. Due to the exam, I might remain inaccessible during the duration of it. So, I am entrusting him to be answerable to any questions on my behalf and handle my responsibilities.

This is something I cannot avoid and is really important. I hope you understand that and grant me leave for the requested day. I’ll be grateful for your approval.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

[Job Title]


Leave application for one day in the office due to personal reasons

Subject- Request for a day’s leave on [Date] due to personal reasons

Dear Mr./Mrs./ Ms. [Name],

It is stated with all due respect that I am planning to take a day off from work for a day on [Date] due to some personal reasons. So, this is a kind of private issue that I cannot discuss at length in this letter. But this issue has forced me to take a day off from work.

Since I have no option but to attend it at the earliest, I have entrusted my team with the further responsibilities of my ongoing project, who I’m sure will handle it exceptionally. However, I will also be reachable on my mobile number and email address for the entire duration to clarify any doubts and queries.

I hope you will understand and acknowledge my application and process it at your earliest convenience. I will be thankful for the approval

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

[Job Title]


Leave application for two days in the office

Subject- Request for two days’ leave from [Date] to [Date]

Dear Mr./Mrs./ Ms. [Name],

With due reverence, this is to be informed that I need a two days’ leave from work from [Date] to [Date]. The reason for the same is that I am to attend a two-day marketing conference at the University of Delhi.

This is an important endeavor for me that will prove to be very beneficial for me as well as our company. The conference will be about the new and advanced techniques in the world of marketing and will enhance my knowledge and help with my marketing and communication skills as well. Therefore, it is important for me to attend.

I will be able to rejoin the office on [Date] morning. I have recently finished and presented my current project. And will remain available during my days of absence. Please feel free to contact me on my mobile or email address if need be.

I hope you consider and approve my request. I will be grateful to you.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

[Job Title]
