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NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Chapter 9 A Tiger in the House

NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Chapter 9 A Tiger in the House
NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Chapter 9 A Tiger in the House

CBSE Summary with NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English The Alien Hand-Chapter 9 A Tiger in the House for revision and better performance in tests and exams. The author, Ruskin Bond, in his story, A Tiger in the House reflects on the theme of love and compassion between humans and animals. Below you can find a brief explanation of the lesson and NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English The Alien Hand-Chapter 9 A Tiger in the House.


NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English The Alien Hand-Chapter 9 A Tiger in the House, Ruskin Bond recites us the story of his grandfather’s pet tiger. His grandfather was a member of the hunting party and he was the best among all the members. One day, his grandfather was at distance from his hunting party taking place in Terai forest near Dehra, when he found a tiger cub in the jungle hiding under a banyan tree, who was 18 inches long and he brought him home.

Read more: NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English An Alien Hand Chapter 7 Chandni

Grandmother brought him up as a human child and named him Timothy. She fed him bottle-milk when he was a baby but it turned out to be too rich for him so he was made habitual of eating raw mutton and cod liver oil. As he grew older, he was put on the diet of pigeons and rabbits also.

NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English The Alien Hand-Chapter 9 A Tiger in the House
Timothy and mongrel puppy

Timothy’s friends included a monkey-Toto and a mongrel puppy. Timothy was playful and naughty. Timothy was afraid of the puppy at first, but as they grew comfortable with each other, the puppy was permitted to crawl and rest on his back. Toto was notorious and used to pull Timothy’s tail and if Timothy lost his temper, Toto would climb up the curtain. The writer was one of the cub’s favorites and when the writer came to visit his grandfather, Timothy loved to play with him. He used to dash the narrator’s feet and pretended to bite his ankles.

A tiger in the house
Timothy Reclining On The Sofa

Timothy’s favorite place to relax was the drawing room’s long sofa. He
scrubbed himself like a cat to clean himself. He spent his nights in Mahmoud – the cook’s quarters. Timothy gained his full size when he turned six months old. At this age, he started becoming less friendly.

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Sometimes he pulled hard at his chain when he was on a morning walk with the writer and it became difficult for the little Bond to keep up with him. He snarled at everybody and stalked stray cats and pet dogs and also started eating small animals like chickens. One day, the narrator’s grandmother predicted – “we are going to find Timothy sitting on Mahmoud’s bed and no sign of the cook except his clothes and shoes”.

Taking account of all this, grandfather decided to transfer Timothy to a zoo. In a reserved, first-class compartment, he took Timothy to Lucknow. Once reaching Lucknow, he gifted Timothy to the zoo. Zoo gladly accepted the well-fed and fairly civilized tiger.

A tiger in the house
In The Lucknow ZOO

After six months, grandfather was in Lucknow to visit some relatives and he decided to stop by the zoo to meet Timothy. He recognized Timothy’s cage and walked towards it. He stroked the tiger’s forehead, tickled his ears, and smacked him across the mouth every time he growled. The tiger greeted him by licking his hands.

Suddenly, it sprang away when a leopard in the next cage growled at him. Grandfather tried to shoo it away several times but it would constantly rush at Timothy. The grandfather requested the zookeeper to change Timothy’s cage but the keeper was amazed by the reunion of the tiger and the grandfather and called the tiger ill-mannered, unaware of the owner of the tiger. Grandfather then, decided to meet the superintendent.

However, he could not meet the superintendent as he had gone home early. The grandfather returned to the tiger’s cage. Another keeper recognized the grandfather and watched him with alarm. He informed the grandfather about Timothy’s death due to pneumonia. He also told the grandfather that the danger in this cage tiger was trapped only last month. The tiger was still licking his grandfather’s arm as his hands were smelling of fresh food. Grandfather somehow withdrew his hand from the cage. He gave the keeper a scornful look and whispered near the tiger’s face “Goodbye, Timothy”.

Know about pneumonia !

NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English The Alien Hand-Chapter 9 A Tiger in the House

Comprehension Check: NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English The Alien Hand-Chapter 9 A Tiger in the House

(Find NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English The Alien Hand-Chapter 9 A Tiger in the House below)

Q. 1. “He had the distinction of being the only member of the party to have bagged any game..,” The phrase in italics means :
(i) Grandfather was the most distinguished member of the party.
(ii) Grandfather was the only sportsperson at the party.
(iii) Grandfather was the only successful member of the hunting party.
Mark the right answer.
(A Tiger in the House, Page 60).

A) (iii) Grandfather was the only successful member of the hunting party.

Q. 2. Complete the following sentences.
(i) Toto climbed up the curtains when_______________
(ii)_________________ :_ .______
_______, I became one of the tiger’s favorites.
(iii) Timothy had clean habits,_______
(A Tiger in the House, Page 60).

(i) Timothy lost his temper.
(ii) When I came to live with my grandfather.
(iii) he would scrub his face with his paws exactly like a cat.

Q. 1. Grandmother’s prophecy was that the tiger
(i) would prefer Mahmoud’s bed to sleep in.
(ii) and the cook would disappear together from the house.
(iii) would one day make a meal of Mahmoud?
Mark the right answer. (A Tiger in the House, Page 64).

A) (iii) would one day make a meal of Mahmoud.

Q. 2. When Timothy was about six months old, a change came over him.
The phrase in italics means that
(i) Timothy had grown to his full size.
(ii) Timothy grew more friendly.
(iii) Timothy grew less friendly, in fact, more dangerous. (A Tiger in the House, Page 64)

A) (iii) Timothy grew less friendly, in fact, more dangerous.

Q. 3. Write “True ’ or ‘False ’ against each of the following statements.
(i) Timothy and Grandfather went to Lucknow in a special compartment.. (ii) The compartment in which Grandfather and Timothy traveled had no other passenger.
(iii) Timothy and Grandfather traveled in a first-class compartment.
(iv)All passengers in the compartment thought that Timothy was a well-fed and civilized tiger.
(A Tiger in the House, Page 64).

A) (i) False

(ii) True

(iii) True

(iv) False

Q. 4. Grandfather suggested that Timothy should be put in another cage. The reason was that
(i) the tiger had become very bad-tempered.
(ii) a leopard, in the next cage, would constantly rush at Timothy.
(iii) the cage was too small for a full-grown tiger
. (A Tiger in the House, Page 64).

A) (ii) a leopard in the next cage would constantly rush at Timothy

Q. 5. The tiger was still licking his arm, with increasing relish The phrase in italics suggests that Timothy
(i) was good-natured.
(ii) recognized an old friend.
(iii) smelt fresh food.
(A Tiger in the House, Page 64).

A) (iii) smelt fresh food.

Answer The Following Questions

(Find NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English The Alien Hand-Chapter 9 A Tiger in the House below)

Q. 1. Where was the tiger cub hiding when Grandfather found him? (A Tiger in the House)

A) The 18 inches long tiger cub was hiding behind the tangled roots of a banyan tree in the Terai jungle near Dehra.

Q. 2. (i) What did Toto do to entertain Timothy?
(ii) What did he do when Timothy lost his temper?
(A Tiger in the House)

A) (i) Toto notoriously used to pull Timothy’s tail.
(ii) He climbed up the curtain when the tiger lost his temper.

Q. 3. “I became one of the tiger’s favorites.” Who is I in the statement? Why did he think so? (A Tiger in the House)

A) I refers to the writer, Ruskin Bond. He thought so because Timothy used to dash at him playfully and would creep closer to him, roll over on his feet in glee and pretended to bite his ankles.

Q. 4. Where was Timothy most comfortable during the day? Where was he during the night? (A Tiger in the House)

A) During the day, Timothy liked to recline on the long sofa in the drawing room while he slept at night in the cook’s quarters.

Q. 5. What was Grandmother’s prophecy about the cook? Did it come true? (A Tiger in the House)

A) Grandmother predicted that the steadily growing dangerous pet tiger would one day kill and feast on their cook Mahmoud. No, it did not come true.

Q. 6. What made Grandfather decide to transfer Timothy to the zoo? (A Tiger in the House)

A) At six months of age, Timothy started becoming less friendly. Sometimes he pulled hard at his chain when he was on a morning walk with the writer and it became difficult for the little Bond to keep up with him. He snarled at everybody and stalked stray cats and pet dogs and also started eating small animals like chickens. He also followed the cook with evil intentions. So, grandfather decided to shift him away to Lucknow zoo.

Q. 7. Why did the grandfather want Timothy to be put in another enclosure? (A Tiger in the House)

A) A leopard in the next cage to Timothy’s snarled at him and constantly rushed at him. This was frightening for Timothy. So he suggested the keeper to shift Timothy to some other cage.

Q. 8. What shocked Grandfather in the end? (A Tiger in the House)

A) When the keeper told the grandfather that Timothy had died two months earlier due to pneumonia, he was shocked. It was even more shocking to learn that the tiger in the cage was dangerous tiger which had recently been trapped.

Conclusion: NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English The Alien Hand Chapter 9 A Tiger in the House

The above written includes the explanation and question answers of NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English The Alien Hand-Chapter 9 A Tiger in the House. Browse StudyEquation for various detailed and easy NCERT Solutions and CBSE Notes and Summary.