Home NCERT Notes for Class 9 NCERT Notes for Class 7 English A Truly Beautiful Mind Class 9 Summary, Note, Question and Answer, PDF

A Truly Beautiful Mind Class 9 Summary, Note, Question and Answer, PDF

A Truly Beautiful Mind Class 9 Summary, Note, Question and Answer, PDF

“A Truly Beautiful Mind Class 9” is a brief biographical sketch of the great genius Albert Einstein. It gives the readers a glimpse into his early life and contribution to the science world. Einstein was a visionary who never went with the flow but charted his path once he knew he was right. He was not afraid of being at odds with anyone, including his teachers. He was a strong man who stuck to his principles and ideas. In this article, we will see the summary, Introduction, About the author, Notes, Question Answers, and the conclusion for the chapter ‘A Truly Beautiful Mind’.

A Truly Beautiful Mind Class 9
A Truly Beautiful Mind Class 9

A Truly Beautiful Mind Class 9 Summary:

Albert Einstein was born on 14 March 1879 in the German city of Ulm. For about two and a half years, he could not speak, and when he did learn to say, he uttered every word twice. His playmates called him ‘Brother Boring’, and his mother regarded him as a freak because of the abnormally large size of his head. At school, his headmaster followed him as stupid and good for nothing. But he proved them all wrong.

At the age of 6, at the behest of his mother, he learned to play the violin. He became a gifted violinist. At the age of 15, his family shifted to Munich. He did not feel at ease with the strict regimentation of the school and left it for good. Later on, he joined the University in Zurich for higher education because the atmosphere there was more liberal and amenable to new ideas and concepts. He showed more interest in Physics and Mathematics. He met a fellow student, Mileva Maric, at the University- equally intelligent and clever. Later, they married and had two sons, but unfortunately, their marriage did not survive, and they divorced in 1919.

After completing his education, Albert worked as a technical expert in the patent office in Bern. Here, he worked secretly on his idea of relativity. In 1915, he published his paper on a particular theory of relativity, followed by the world-famous equation E = mc2.

In 1915, he published his paper on General Theory of Relativity, which gave a new definition to the concept of gravity. This theory made him a known personality. In 1919, during the solar eclipse, his approach became accurate and revolutionized physics. In 1933, he emigrated to the USA as Nazis had come to power in Germany. He did not want his finding and research to be used for destruction. In 1938, when Germany discovered the principle of Nuclear Fission, he was the first person to write to the American President about the dangers of the atomic bombs.

In 1945, when America dropped the Atomic Bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, he was deeply hurt. He wrote to the United Nations for the formation of a world government to prevent the recurrence of such destruction. He spent his later days in politics advocating world peace and democracy. He died at the age of 76 in the year 1955.

A Truly Beautiful Mind Class 9 Notes:


This chapter, “A Truly Beautiful Mind”, is about the great scientist, namely Albert Einstein. He advocated in this chapter about world peace and non-violence that only the title refers to him as a beautiful mind; it is a brief biographical sketch of the great genius Albert Einstein. It gives the readers a glimpse into his early life and his contribution to the world of science.

It is a biography of Albert Einstein, describing some qualities of Albert, such as his interest in physics and mathematics and humanitarian attributes. This chapter makes a wonder that briefly describes how a scientist has a beautiful mind.


The chapter “A Truly Beautiful Mind” is written by Albert Einstein. He advocated in this chapter about world peace and non-violence that only the title refers to him as a great mind.Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879. He was born in Ulm. Ulm is a city in the German state of Baden-Wurttemberg. Einstein is best known for developing the theory of relativity, but he also contributed significantly to developing the theory of quantum mechanics. Relativity and quantum mechanics are together the two pillars of modern physics.

He received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics “for his services to theoretical physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect”, a pivotal step in developing quantum theory. His intellectual achievements and originality made ” Einstein ” synonymous with “genius”.

Word Meanings-

1. Destined: Fate

2. Freak: A person who is unusual doesn’t behave like others

3. Uttered: Spoke

4. Amateur: Enthusiast

5. Regimentation: order or discipline taken to an extreme

6. Stifled: unable to breathe, suffocated

7. Liberal: willing to understand and understand other’s opinion

8. Ally: a friend or an associate

9. Philistines: People who do not like art, literature or music

10. Patent: a document which gives the rights of an invention to an inventor

11. Unravelling: starting to fall

12. Faltered: became a week

13. Deflected: changed direction because it hit something

14. Emigrated: leave one’s own country in order to settle permanently in another

15. In an uproar: very upset

16. Missive: letter, especially long and official

17. Reigns: sovereignty

18. Contrary: opposite

19. Clashed: got in a dispute

20. Agitating: protesting

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A Truly Beautiful Mind Class 9 Question and Answer-

1. Explain what the reasons for the following are:
1) Einstein left the school in Munich for good.
2) Einstein wanted to study in Switzerland rather than in Munich.
3) Einstein saw in Mileva an ally.
What do these tell you about Einstein?

Ans. Einstein left the school in Munich because he did not like the school’s discipline. He hated the school’s regimentation and often clashed with teachers.
Albert’s parents moved to Milan and left their son with relatives. After prolonged discussion, Einstein got his wish to continue his education in German-speaking Switzerland. It was more liberal than Munich.
Einstein saw in Mileva Marie an ally against the “Philistines”—those people in his family and at the university with whom he was constantly at odds. He found that she was a “clever creature”.
These tell that Einstein was a genius and had the capabilities to achieve his targets. Moreover, he had his view of life. He liked freedom too much.

2. What did Einstein call his desk drawer at the patent office? Why?

Ans. Einstein called his desk drawer at the patent office the “bureau of theoretical physics”. Einstein was developing his ideas in secret, and his drawer had all the evidence to reveal the secret.

3. Why did Einstein write a letter to Franklin Roosevelt?

Ans. With the emergence of Nazis in Germany,
Einstein emigrated to the United States. It was the fact that the Nazis could develop the atomic bomb. It could destroy the whole world. So he warned Franklin D. Roosevelt in his letter.

4. How did Einstein react to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Ans. The atomic bomb devastated the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He was deeply shaken by the destruction and wrote a public message to the United Nations.

5. Why does the world remember Einstein as a ‘world citizen?

Ans. The world remembers Einstein as a ‘world citizen’ because he believed in universal peace. When there was the rat race for becoming atomic power, he worried about the bomb’s aftermath. He was a world citizen who was concerned with humanity.

A Truly Beautiful Mind Class 9 Conclusion

A Truly Beautiful Mind illustrates the life story of the scientific genius Albert Einstein. The story portrays the other side of his life: he is concerned about promoting human welfare. And that is the reason why the title of the story is ‘A Truly Beautiful Mind’.

The life and achievements of the famous scientist Einstein give us the message that a beautiful mind possesses not only vision but also makes sincere efforts to use this vision for the well-being of humanity. Science should be solely devoted to the promotion of world peace and prosperity. Scientific inventions and discoveries can wreak havoc on humankind if used for destructive purposes.