7+ Unseen Passage for Class 6 – NCERT Solution

7+ unseen passage for class 6 ncert solution
7+ unseen passage for class 6 NCERT solution

Reading comprehension forms a vital part of developing basic human cognitive skills. In this article, we have curated 7 Unseen Passage for Class 6 with answers. Here you will study how to answer the unseen passages as brief and concise as possible. All your doubts regarding these short Unseen Passage for Class 6 will be cleared from this article.

Unseen Comprehension for Class 6 – Introduction

One should also keep the following points in mind before answering questions from a passage:

1. Read the questions first to know what you have to look for in the passage
2. Read the passage quickly to gain a general idea of the subject matter.
3. Underline the important points.
4. Write direct answers or your own answers to the point.
5. Always use complete sentences while answering questions.
6. Don’t write your own opinions or comments about anything unless you are asked to do so.

Unseen Passage for Class 6

Unseen Passage for Class 6 – I

Midas, the king, was a greedy person. He loved gold more than anything in the world. He had lots of wealth but he was never really a happy person. One day God Bacchus came to Midas. Midas had once helped God Bacchus and in return Bacchus offered him a gift. “What shall I give you to make you happy?” the God asked him. Midas thought for a while and then said, “Please give me the power to turn everything I touch into gold.” Bacchus laughed and said, “Your wish is granted. As soon as the Sun rises tomorrow, you will have the golden touch.”

The next morning Midas woke up, and he had his golden touch. He touched his bed,
the chairs, doors, windows and all became gold. Suddenly, he felt very hungry. He sat at the table but as soon as the food touched his lips, it turned into gold. So did the water. It seemed he could no longer eat or drink. After some time, his daughter came to him. When he put his hand on her, she became a gold statue. In the end, Midas became very sad and prayed God Bacchus to take away the power of golden touch from him.

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Read the following questions and choose the correct option from the multiple choices given.

1. What kind of man was Midas?
a) A great miser b) a greedy person c) a brave man d) wise man

Ans. b) a greedy person

Who came to Midas one day?
a) God Jesus b) God Bacchus c) God Zeus d) God

Ans. b) God Bacchus

Why did Bacchus offer him a gift?
a) because he had helped the God once b) because he had pleased Bacchus
c) because he had annoyed Bacchus d) because he cared for Bacchus

Ans. a) because he had helped the God once

What was Midas’ wish?
a) To become rich b) to turn anything into gold
c)to turn his daughter into a golden doll d) to become powerful

Ans. b) to turn anything into gold

5.Why do you think Bacchus laughed before granting Midas’s wish?

Ans. God Bacchus knew the consequences of his foolish wish and therefore he laughed.

Write the words from passage that mean the same
a) lot of money b) gave

Ans. a) gold b) granted

Unseen Passage for Class 6 – II

Unseen Passage for Class 6 : II

It is the duty of the Corporation or a Municipality to provide clean and safe water to the people. They should also see that the water supply is maintained regularly. Checking that the drinking water is of a satisfactory standard requires better quality control. Rainwater may be harvested (collected) in a tank. It may meet our requirements during dry seasons. Citizens on their part are expected to do their duty. It is the duty of every citizen to see that he or she does not pollute water. They should not waste water while washing clothes or brushing their teeth. They should avoid washing their cars or watering the garden and plants with drinking water. It is a precious thing and should not be wasted.

Read the following questions and choose the correct option from the multiple choices given.

i.) For clean and safe water, people mainly depend on the-
(a) Police Station (b) Municipality
(c) Forests (d) Neighbours

Ans. (b.) Municipality

ii.) Which one of the following is an alternative way of meeting our water requirements?
(a.) Hand-pump (b.) Complaining
(c.) Proper Drainage (d.) Rainwater Harvesting

Ans. (d.) Rainwater Harvesting

iii.) Does the duty of the municipality end at only providing clean and safe water?
(a.) No, they need to collect bills as well (b.) Yes, their responsibility ends there
(c.) No, they need to maintain regular water supply (d.) No, they need to make sure that they are safe as well
c.) No, they need to maintain regular water supply

iv.) According to the passage, what is the main duty of citizens?
a.) They should not pollute or waste water (b.) They should make sure that their water tanks are full
(c.) They should be their clothes properly (d.) They should clean their teeth and cars

a.) They should not pollute or waste water

Unseen Passage for Class 6 – III

Unseen Passage for Class 6 : III

Newspapers are our good friends. Life without newspapers is a waste. Newspapers bring us
news and views from all corners of the world. Any incident of occurrence of importance that
takes place is reported by the newspapers. The word ‟NEWS‟ is interpreted as North, East,
West and South. It means that the newspaper provides us with information and news regarding
various subjects from all directions. Newspapers also give us articles on all kinds of
topics such as political, social, economic monetary, business, commerce, sports, education,
health etc.

Newspapers publish advertisements which attract the attention of the customers.
They also contain book reviews of literary, historical and other books by scholars.
Newspapers are of different types. Some newspapers are published daily. They are called
“Dailies‟ We must cultivate the habit of reading newspapers to know what is happening around
the globe. The one who reads newspapers and interprets editorial pages can only master
current affairs and general knowledge. Reading newspapers helps you to find out what news is
and how it is written. The one who dreams of being a journalist should not spare a day without
reading the newspaper. They should be aware of the editorial and to be well versed with
vocabulary. We will get to know news from all the countries if we read newspapers regularly.
If we are reading the newspapers seriously, it will also help one to shine in competitive

Read the following questions and choose the correct option from the multiple choices given.

The one who dreams of being a _____ should not spare a day without
reading the newspaper.
(a) dancer (b) cricketer (c) journalist (d) singer

Ans. (c) journalist

Newspapers are of different types. Some are published every day. They are called
(a) weekly (b) fortnightly (c) monthly (d) dailies

Ans. (d) dailies

To master in current affairs and general knowledge one should read the
__ page.
(a) open page (b) editorial page (c) first page (d) sports page

Ans. (b) editorial page

North, East, West and South are interpreted as _______.
(a) NEAR (b) NEWS (c) NECK (d) NEET.

Ans. (b) NEWS

Pick the word which means “one who buys goods from a shop‟
(a) customer (b) editor (c) journalist (d) writer

Ans. (a) customer

Unseen Passage for Class 6 : IV

Unseen Passage for Class 6 – IV

The Siberian crane, also known as snow crane are the most distinctive among cranes. The adults are all snowy white in color, except for their black primary feathers which can be seen only when they are flying. They breed in the Arctic tundra region of western and eastern Russia and migrate to China, Iran and India during winters. They make the longest distance migration among cranes. However, their population is steadily declining and they have been included in the list critically endangered bird species formulated by International Union for Conservation of Nature 2013.

Answer the following briefly.

Where do Siberian cranes breed?

Ans. Siberian cranes breed in Arctic tundra region of western and eastern Russia.

How do adult Siberian cranes look?

Ans. The adults are all snowy white in color, except for their black primary feathers which can be seen only when they are flying.

What is the other name of Siberian crane?

Ans. The Siberian crane is also known as the snow crane.

In what list have they been included?

Ans. They been included in the list of critically endangered bird species.

Find the opposites of the following in the passage (a) the shortest (b) excluded
a) the longest b) included

Unseen Passage for Class 6 – V

Unseen Passage for Class 6 : V

My Grandmother and I were good friends. My parents left me with her when they went to live in the city and we were always together. She used to wake me up in the morning and get me ready for school. She said her morning prayer while she bathed and dressed me with the hope that I too would learn. I listened to her because I loved her voice but never bothered to learn it. Then she would fetch my wooden slate which she had already
washed and plastered with yellow chalk, a tiny inkpot and pen, tie them all in bundle and hand it to me.

After a breakfast of thick stale chapati with a little butter or sugar spread on it, we went to school. My grandmother always went to school with me because the school was attached to the temple. The priest taught us the alphabet and the Morning Prayer. While the children sat in rows on either side of the verandah singing the prayer or learning the alphabet, my grandmother sat inside reading the holy books. When we had both finished, we would walk back together.

Answer the following briefly.

(a) The narrator and the grandmother were _____________
The narrator and the grandmother were good friends.

(b) Why was he left with grandmother?
He was left with his grandmother because his parents went to live in the city.

(c) Why did he listen to her morning prayer?
He listened to her morning prayer because he loved her voice.

(d) What did he have for breakfast?
He had thick stale chapati with a little butter or sugar spread on it for breakfast.

e) Why did the grandmother always go to school with the narrator?
The grandmother always went to the school with the narrator because the school was attached to the temple

(f) What did the priest teach the children?
The priest taught the children the alphabet and the Morning Prayer.

(g) What did the grandmother do meanwhile?
The grandmother sat inside reading the holy books.

h) What would they do when they both finished their work?
When they both finished their work, they would walk back together.

Unseen Passage for Class 6 – VI

Unseen Passage for Class 6 : VI

Soon the drum made of tamarind wood was ready. The courtiers assembled outside the king’s door and the royal musician began to play. But instead of the thum thum thum that everyone expected, the Tamarind drum intoned, “The raja has horns on his head. The raja has horns on his head”. The court burst out laughing and the king cried with rage. “I won’t stay in the palace a moment longer,” he shouted. “I’ll go to the forest and live by myself.” He tore the nightcap off his head and ran out of the palace, seizing the Tamarind drum on his way out.

The king lived for several years in the forest. He gradually learnt about the beauty of the world around him. He learnt to care for creatures smaller than himself. Gradually he grew strong, wise and selfless. His only companion was the Tamarind drum, and the drum, when he beat it, gave him all the advice and experience of the old tree. He learnt to play it so beautifully that even the spirits of the trees were charmed and they went to meet the God who had given him the horns.

Read the following questions and choose the correct option from the multiple choices given.

Soon the drum made of ___________ was ready.
(i) Tamarind wood (iii) Rosewood
(ii) Teakwood (iv) Sandalwood

Ans. (i) Tamarind wood

The tamarind drum intoned, “The Raja has_________ on his head”.
(i) Cap (iii) hair
(ii) Horns (iv) hat

Ans. (ii) Horns

The king could not remain in the palace as
(i) He was cursed (iii) everybody laughed at him
(ii) He was not humble (iv) he was angry and ashamed

Ans. (iii) everybody laughed at him

The king lived in the forest for_____________________________
(i) 2 years (iii) 5 years
(ii) several years (iv) 10 years

Ans. (ii) several years

In the forest, the king learnt about the ______ of the world around
(i) beauty (iii) birds
(ii) nature (iv) animals

Ans. (i) beauty

The king became a better human being as
(i) he had to live alone in the forest
(ii) his companion taught him so
(iii)he grew strong, selfless and wise
(iv)he learnt to play the Tamarind drum

Ans. (iii)he grew strong, selfless and wise

What did the Tamarind drum give the king?
(i) Tamarind (iii) horns
(ii) advice (iv) food

Ans. (ii) advice

Unseen Passage for Class 6

Unseen Passage for Class 6 – VII

Walking is a pleasure. When we are in a vehicle, our attention is fixed on the road. There is no time to spare for the things on either side of the road. A walker can, however, enjoy the sights on either side. If he likes it, he can change his speed. He can walk slowly when there is much beauty around. He can go fast when he wants his walking to be an exercise for his limbs as it regulates our blood circulation.

Walking also gives us a feeling of freshness as well. However no young person should walk thinking that it is exercise. It will kill all the pleasure. Moreover, there are many other exercises that are good for your health. Walking should be made a habit for enjoyment. One should feel relaxed and not tired after a good walk. We should walk only when the weather is fine. We should avoid walking when it is hot or misty.

Read the following questions and choose the correct option.

i) Walking is a _______
Walking is a pleasure.

ii) When we are in a __, our attention is fixed on the road.
When we are in a vehicle, our attention is fixed on the road.

iii) Walking should be made a ___ for enjoyment.
Walking should be made a habit for enjoyment.

iv) Walking is also good exercise for our limbs (True / False)

v) We should avoid walking when the weather is hot or misty. (True / False)

vi) Choose a word from the passage which has the same meaning as ‘foggy’

vii) Choose a word from the passage which has same in meaning as ‘adjust’

Conclusion : Unseen Passage for Class 6

Unseen passages are very important for exams. One should try to do as many unseen passages as possible. Try to solve the questions on your own and then check the answers. For boards, these Unseen Passage for Class 6 in English ICSE, CBSE or state exams serve as excellent practise. Unseen passages help to analyze our writing and grammar skills. We will learn more about Unseen Passage in higher classes.