NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English The Alien Hand Chapter 8 The Bear Story

NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English The Alien Hand Chapter 8 The Bear Story
NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English The Alien Hand Chapter 8 The Bear Story

NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English The Alien Hand Chapter 8 The Bear Story, is the story of a lady who had an amiable pet bear. She was very fond of her bear. She was a sweet lady. But one day she had scolded him when he made her angry. But then she realized her mistake. She felt guilty about it later. Find Summary and NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English The Alien Hand Chapter 8 The Bear Story from our expertise below.

Read more: NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Chapter 9 A Tiger in the House

Introduction to NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English The Alien Hand Chapter 8 The Bear Story

This is a SUMMARY of the sNCERT Solutions For Class 7 English The Alien Hand Chapter 8 The Bear Story is a beautiful story written by AXEL MUNTHE. It is from the NCERT textbook, The Alien Hand. This is the story of a lady who had an amiable pet bear. She was very fond of her bear. She was a sweet lady. But one day she had scolded him when he made her angry. But then she realized her mistake. She felt guilty about it later.

Summary-NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English The Alien Hand Chapter 8 The Bear Story

NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English The Alien Hand Chapter 8 The Bear Story, A lady once lived in an old manor-house on the border of a big forest with her cook. She had a pet bear whom she loved a lot. She found it in the forest once when it was starving, helpless, and very small so she brought it home.

After several years 

Several years passed and it had grown into a big bear and it was strong. Even though he was strong he had always been amiable. He never had the idea of hurting someone.

He had a couple of friends as three shaggy mountain ponies who knew him well and did not mind in the least when he shuffled into their stable with his mistress, three dogs who loved to play all sorts of games with him, and the children who used to ride on his back. The dogs used to tease him, but he did not mind at all.

NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English The Alien Hand Chapter 8 The Bear Story
The bear playing with the three dogs.

The food the bear had.

He had never tasted meat. He ate the same food as the dogs. Bears love fruit and if they have a chance to grow vegetarian. In the beginning, he used to climb apple trees to grab a handful of apples and eat them. But some years later it was against the law and he had to wait till the apples fell on the ground. 

Putting the bear in chains

The Bear always obeyed the lady but sometimes he was naughty and was put into chains. Once he had difficulties with beehives and had a bleeding nose. He was punished by being put on the chain for two days or else he was only put in chains in the night and on Sundays when the lady went to visit her married sister who lived on the other side of the mountain-lake. 

The lady did not want to take her bear because it was a one-hour long journey through the forest and he had a lot of temptations. She would always bring an apple for her bear after returning from her sister’s house. The bear also knew that he had to be on chains on Sundays and did not mind it. 

The incident at the forest

One day the lady chained up her bear as usual on a Sunday and was traveling to her sister’s house. Half-way through the forest, she suddenly thought she heard a tree-branch cracking behind her.

She looked back and was in shock to see the bear running towards her. Then after a minute, he had joined her to go together through the forest.  The lady became very angry. She was already late for lunch too. The lady did not want to take him with her. She was very angry and disappointed that he disobeyed her. 

The bear at the forest.
The bear at the forest.

She scolded him and told him to go back in a minute in the severest voice. She minced him with her parasol (umbrella). He did not want to go back and kept on sniffing her.

She noticed that he had lost his new collar and was even angrier. This time she hit him with her parasol on his nose and the parasol broke in two parts. He stopped again, shook his head, and wasn’t ready to go. He even opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something. Then finally he went away and the lady lost sight of him.

Innocent bear

The lady came home in the evening. She saw that the bear was sleeping in the same place outside his kennel. The lady was still very angry. She went up to him and began scolding him again. She also said that he should have been chained for at least two more days.

The cook and her son rushed outside and asked the lady what went wrong. The lady told her the whole story. The cook told her that the bear had been an angel and was looking the whole time towards the gate for the lady to come back. The lady came to know that the bear she saw was another bear from the forest and she felt very bad for scolding him.

The innocent bear.
The innocent bear.

Conclusion-NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English The Alien Hand Chapter 8 The Bear Story

We saw in this story NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English The Alien Hand Chapter 8 The Bear Story by AXEL MUNTHE that we the lady scolded her bear after coming home without knowing the actual story. This shows us that we should not take decisions beforehand without knowing the whole situation or else our decisions might turn out to be wrong. We should try to be compassionate and loving towards everyone. The Bear Story is a beautiful story showing how we should remain calm and take decisions in our life after understanding the whole situation.

Exercises of the textbook-NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English The Alien Hand Chapter 8 The Bear Story

Find NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English The Alien Hand Chapter 8 The Bear Story below:

1. Where did the lady find the bear cub? How did she bring it up?

Ans. The lady found the bear cub in the forest once when it was starving, helpless and very small so she brought it home.

She brought him up with an amiable nature who did not dream
of harming anybody, man, or beast.

2. The bear grew up but “he was a most amiable bear”. Give three examples to prove this.

Ans. Three examples to prove that the bear was amiable are:-

  1. He used to sit outside
    his kennel and look with his small intelligent eyes most
    amicably at the cattle grazing in the field nearby.
  2. Once the children were found asleep in his kennel between his two paws.
  3. The dogs loved to play all sorts of games with him, pull his ears, and tease him in every way, but he did not mind it.

3. What did the bear eat? There were two things he was not allowed to do. What were they?

Ans. The bear ate the same food as the dogs.

He was not allowed to do two things, they were:-

  1. Not eat apples directly by grabbing from the tree.
  2. Not play with the beehives.

More Questions

4. When was the bear tied up with a chain? Why?

Ans. On Sundays, the bear was tied with a chain when the lady went to visit her married sister who lived on the other side of the mountain-lake.

5. What happened one Sunday when the lady was going to her sister’s house? What did the lady do? Write the bear’s reaction.

Ans. One Sunday the lady was going to her sister’s house and she saw the bear following her.

She pulled out her parasol and hit his nose with it.

The bear shook his head, sniffed her, and didn’t want to go but then he decided to go after she hit him.

6. Why was the bear looking sorry for himself in the evening? Why did the cook get angry with her mistress?

Ans. The bear was looking sorry for himself in the evening because his mistress was looking very angrily upon him.

The cook got angry with her mistress because her mistress was shouting at the bear who was an angel and was waiting for her all day.


Find NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English The Alien Hand Chapter 8 The Bear Story below:

1. Where did the lady live?

Ans. The lady lived in an old manor-house on the border of a big forest.

2. What did the lady do when the bear did not want to go back?

Ans. The lady hit him with her parasol on his nose and the parasol broke into two pieces.