Tenses for class 4 Exercises with answers, worksheets, pdf

Tenses for class 4 Exercises with answers, worksheets, pdf

Tenses for Class 4 is one of the important topics in English grammar as this topic also holds weightage in many competitive exams. Students may read the Worksheets PDF to practice the concepts covered on this page.

Action word tense lets you know when the activity occurs. There are three basic action word tenses: Present, Past, and Future. Every fundamental tense is separated into straightforward, moderate, endlessly unique moderate tenses.

3 Types of Tenses for class 4

  1. Past tense

2. Present tense

3. Future tense

Tenses for class 4 Exercises with answers

The determiners each and every is used with is, has and was.

Collective nouns are also used with is, was, and has.

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verb.

  1. The sun …………………. in the east. (rise / rises)
  2. My mother …………………….. beautiful sweaters. (knit / knits)
  3. The children ………………………. in the garden. (is playing / are playing)
  4. What …………………….. you doing there? (is / are)
  5. Where ……………………… they going? (is / are)
  6. It …………………… raining hard. (is / are)
  7. The birds …………………….. on that tree. (live / lives)
  8. I ……………………. for my brother. (wait / am waiting)
  9. She …………………… the first prize. (is winning / has won / have won)
  10. Every student …………………….. come. (has / have)
  11. A bunch of grapes ……………………. hanging from the vine. (was / were)
  12. Each student ……………………. given an assignment. (was / were)


The sun rises in the east.
My mother knits beautiful sweaters.
The children are playing in the garden.
What are you doing there?
Where are they going?
It is raining hard.
The birds live on that tree.
am waiting for my brother.
She has won the first prize.
Every student has come.
A bunch of grapes was hanging from the vine.
Each student was given an assignment.
Tenses for class 4
Tenses for class 4 

Tenses for class 4 Exercises practice

Exercise 1

Fill up the blank with the Simple present form of verb given in the brackets.

He goes to the class on time. (go)

  1. We  ________  pizza together. (eat)
  2. My son _________ in London. (Live)
  3. He ________ the butterfly. (Catch)
  4. Teena _________ delicious food. (Cook)
  5. She ________ tasty burgers. (Make)
  6. Ram _________ to work in London. (Want)
  7. The train _________ in ten minutes. (Leave)
  8. He ________ football. (Play)
  9. My Father __________ me. (Scold)
  10. She __________ her homework on time. (Do)

Exercise 2

Rewrite the sentences into simple past tense.

Shloves my daughter very much.

She loved my daughter very much.

 1. He loves to play hockey.

2. He thinks about me.

3. That Dress looks very bright.

4. Mona cooks food very well.

5. The Street Man makes very tasty burgers.

6. Little Pushti wants to play.

7. They like to solve mathematics questions .

8. She gives a response.

9. Mother scolds her baby.

10. These Children do homework on time.

Exercise 3

Underline the verb of the following sentences.

  1. She had prepared food.
  2. She had chosen her dress. 
  3. The prime minister had come on the Stage.
  4. They had stood in a line.
  5. She had not  taken her position. 
  6. Ram had written a letter to the Principal.
  7. Rahul had admired her designs. 
  8. Suman had not taken the decision.
  9. They had reached the metro station. 
  10. Team A had completed the task. 

Exercise 4

Write the Simple present form of verb of the following words:-

  1. Become -_____
  2. Blow -_____
  3. Forget -_____
  4. Bite -_____
  5. Dig -_____
  6. Find -_____
  7. Drive -_____
  8. Grow -_____
  9. Give -_____
  10. Believe -_____
  11. Catch -_____
  12. Borrow -_____
  13. Win  -_____
  14. Spit- _____
  15. Lie -_____

Tenses for class 4 Worksheets

Question 1. Change the following Sentences in future continuous tense, one has been done for you.

Ram was going to London.— Ram will be going to London.

1. He is teaching English.

2. They were reading novels.

3. We are attending a meeting.

4. My family was going to Shimla.

5. Birds were chirping very melodiously.

6. Shelly is not talking to her father.

7. Raman is exploring new things.

8. He was going to Market.

9. They were checking bags.

10. The sun is not shining Brightly.

11. You are not calling her teacher.

12. They were arguing.

13. She is learning.

14. Ram is studying in class 5th.

15. Dogs are barking outside.


  1. He will be teaching English.
  2. They will be reading novels.
  3. We will be attending a meeting. 
  4. My family will be going to Shimla.
  5. Birds will be chirping very melodiously.
  6. Shelly will not be talking to her father. 
  7. Raman will be exploring new things.
  8. He will be  going to the market.
  9. They will be checking bags.
  10. The sun will not be shining Brightly.
  11. You will be calling her teacher.
  12. They will be arguing.
  13. She will be learning
  14. Ram will be studying in class 5th.
  15. Dogs will be barking outside.

Question 2. Choose the correct form of verb that is provided in the brackets to fill in the blanks : 

1. Radhika will __________ dancing for 5 months. (have not been/ have been not/ not have been)

2. It _________ cold in Delhi. (were/ are/ is))

3. I will go to school tomorrow if I _______ better. (feel/ felt/ feeling)

4. He ___________ the dress since morning.(have been finding/ was finding/ has been finding)

5. I am sorry the phone is not available any longer. It ________ to my friend. (had sold/ has been sold/ has sold)

6. If I ________ money now, I will not face any difficulties in future. (save/ saved/ had saved)

7. If everything _________ well, I will plan for a trip without any delay. (goes/ went/ go)

8. Although the police ________ every precaution, the robber managed to escape. (takes/ had taken/ has taken)

9. Ashley __________ a book about India last year but I don’t know whether she has finished it yet. (wrote/ had written/ was writing)

10. We are good friends. We _________ each other for a long time. (have known/ have been knowing/ knew)

Answers :

1. not have been

2. is

3. feel

4. has been finding

5. has been sold

6. save

7. goes

8. had taken

9. was writing

10. have known

Question 3. Mrs. Sharma: ……………1…………………. your daughter ……………2…………………. (join) her ballet classes?

Mr. Qureshir: No, She ……………………3…………. (not start) as for now.

Mrs. Sharma ………………4……………. she ………………5………………. (not apply) for registration?

Mr. Qureshi r: No, she ……………………6…………. (pick) an NGO project last Sunday.

Answers : 

1. Has 

2.   joined 

3. has not started 

4. Has

5. not applied 

6. picked 

Question 4. Use the simple future forms of the verbs listed in the box to fill in the blanks.

1. Within five days, I…………….my result. (know)

2. I……………..to London on the fourth of August. (go)

3. Rita ………………….on this tract tomorrow. (run)

4. Next summer, I………………new house. (buy)

5. Kartik…………………his book. (return)

6. Samridhi …………………on annual function next month. (dance)

7. Rahul……………better in the next match. (perform)

8. My brother ………………..to California soon. (go)

9. We ………………….. from tomorrow. (study)

10. You…………………..good person. (become)

Answers :

1. Will know

2. I will go

3. Will  run

4. I will buy

5. Will return

6. Will dance

7. Will perform

8. I will go

9. Shall study

10. Shall become

Question 5.

The given passage has not been edited. Read the passage and edit it, underlining the errors committed in the passage. Write the correct word in the space provided.

Hamburger lovers alert! Scientists think they had(a)………………………………………
discovered the remnants of our earliest meat-eating human ancestors. An Ethiopian student(b)………………………………………
found pieces of a skull while he worked(c)………………………………………
on a project with 40 scientists. Scientists said the creature could eat both meat(d)………………………………………
and bone marrow. Previously creatures did not used tools to cut their meat(e)………………………………………
so their diet were more limited. According to White, the addition(f)………………………………………
of meat to the diet, did not turned the(g)………………………………………
creatures into lions, but rather it enable them to kill larger animals for food.(h)………………………………………
The addition of meat and fat to the creature’s diet have many positive effects. Meat and(i)………………………………………
fat help the thinking powers of the brain and(j)………………………………………
broadened the diet. The improved diet helped creatures to survive(k)………………………………………
better and longer, and to began development toward modem humans.(l)………………………………………

Tenses for class 11 exercises with answers, worksheets, pdf

(a) had – have;
(b) remain – remains;
(c) worked – was working;
(d) said – say;
(e) used – use;
(f) were – was;
(g) turned – turn;
(h) enable – enabled;
(i) have – had;
(j) help – helped;
(k) survived – survive;
(l) began – begin.

Tenses for class 4 Exercises, Worksheets pdf Download