Essay on environment in 150,200,300,400 words in English


The environment is the ecosystem of nature in which all the organisms survive together. Here, they are dependent on one another for their survival. When a single creature is disturbed the whole system gets disturbed. This ecosystem consists of all the living and non-living things. In living things human beings, animals, and plants all are included. whereas in non-living things the rocks, minerals, etc. play a vital role.

Essay on environment in 150 Words:

The environment is the natural surrounding that surrounds the whole earth and enables an organism’s survival. The environment contains air, water, sunlight, trees, animals, and human beings. Life on earth is not possible without the ecosystem. The environment is divided into different layers such as the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. The atmosphere is made up of several gases such as nitrogen and oxygen. The hydrosphere is made up of all the water bodies. The lithosphere is the covering of earth made up of rock and soil and the biosphere is where life exists.

Today the degradation of the environment has become a major issue. The misuse of natural resources by human beings is the reason behind environmental degradation. We need to preserve our environment for a better future and survival. Activities that create any kind of pollution or harm the environment should be avoided. We all should follow the rule of reduce, reuse, and recycle to save our environment from degradation.

“The earth is what we all have in common”

Essay on Environment in 200 Words:

All living beings and non-living beings on this earth came under the environment. The environment includes human beings, animals, air, water, sun, land, plants, etc. The entire life support of humans depends upon environmental factors and the environment helps in maintaining various life cycles on earth. Our environment gives us countless benefits by providing us with food, fodder, fresh air, water, and shelter.

The environment is important for keeping all living things healthy, the environment helps in maintaining the ecological balance and the environment is the source of natural beauty which is important for maintaining physical and mental health. Human activities impact the environment a lot and any kind of effect on the environment also affect humans as they both are connected there is no survival for humans without the environment. There are various human activities that are directly contributing to environmental disasters such as acid rain, oceans, change in climate, deforestation, depletion of the ozone layer, melting of ice, global warming, overpopulation, pollution, etc.

We all must come together and save the environment from degradation and should stop all the activities which are responsible for the degradation. We can conserve our environment by planting more and more trees, By using the principle of reducing, reusing, and recycling, By using Eco-friendly things, limiting the use of plastic bags and by controlling population growth, etc.

“Love to breathe, Save trees”

 essay on environment
 essay on environment

Essay on Environment in 300 Words:

An environment is a natural world that encloses the earth and forms a special geographical region in which humans, animals, plants, and other living and nonliving things exist. Our life is completely dependent on the environment because a healthy environment creates a healthy society. The environment helps to develop nurture and destroy life on the planet called earth.

Everything belongs to the environment the air we breathe every moment, the water we use for daily routine, plants, animals, and all other things. A healthy environment maintains the balance of nature and at the same time helps to develop and nurture. Elements of our environment are falling day by day as man has created technological disasters. We need to maintain the originality of our environment to continue life on earth, the only place where life is possible. Apart from the natural environment there also exists a man-made environment which is related to technology, work environment, aesthetics, transportation, housing, utilities, urbanization, etc.

The man-made environment affects the natural environment to a great extent which we all must protect together. The components of the natural environment are used as a resource, but it is also exploited by humans to fulfill some basic physical needs and purposes of life. We should not challenge our natural resources and should not add so much pollution or garbage to the environment. We should value our environment and should thank it for everything.

The environment is an integral and most important part of our lives, so it’s the collective responsibility of all of us to protect it we all should cooperate and make it clean and beautiful. The development of a healthy person is only possible only in a clean environment the environment is directly related to our daily life. Any kind of damage that affect the environment will also affect us all living and non-living beings in one way or other.

“Wipe out the pollution before it wipes you out”

Essay on Environment in 400 Words:

The environment is a natural phenomenon that helps humans, animals, birds, plants, and all other things to live on earth. The development of a healthy person is only possible when his surrounding is healthy .our environment is directly related to our daily lives. The environment not only works to maintain ecological balance in climate but it provides us with all the things necessary for life.

Modernization, industrialization, and the growing use of technology have adversely affected the environment. The environment and humans are interrelated to each other in one way or another they are incomplete without each other. Without the environment, man can even not imagine his life. For living a happy life we must avoid exploiting our nature by creating different types of pollution, Deforestation, Smoke, Use of poly bags, etc. We all must together save our environment from being exploited as it is the only thing that we all share.

Every year World Environment Day is observed from 5 June to 16 June. On the day of the world environment, trees are planted everywhere and many works related to the environment are done of which June 5 has some special significance. Awareness programs are also organized in many places on this occasion.

Our environment provides us with a lot of benefits that we can’t repay in our entire life. The environment includes animals, water, air forces, and trees. Trees and forest filters the air and takes in harmful gases, plants purify the water, maintains natural balance, and many other. The environment keeps a regular check on its functioning as it helps to regulate the vital system essential for the ecosystem. It also helps in maintaining culture and quality of life on earth. The environment regulates the natural cycle that occurs daily. These natural cycles balance the living things and the environment. If we disturb this natural cycle, it will ultimately affect humans and other living beings.

For thousands of years, the environment helped humans, animals, plants to flourish and grow. We all should be very thankful to our environment for providing us with all those facilities that are very necessary for our survival. We all should pay to contribute to our environment by planting trees, avoiding deforestation, cleaning streets, and using the 3R’s of reducing reuse and recycling. we should understand the value of our environment and should conserve it.

“The environment is in us, not outside of us. the trees are our lungs, the rivers are our bloodstreams. We are all interconnected, and what you do to your environment is ultimately what you do to yourself.”

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Question-1)What are the four types of Environment?

Ans. The major components or types of environment include Lithosphere, Atmosphere, Biosphere, and hydrosphere. so the types are as follows:
1. Aquatic environment
2. Terrestrial environment
3. Atmospheric environment
4. Biosphere environment

Question-2)How can we protect our environment?

Ans. we can protect our environment through various ways like by Saving water, Saving electricity, Avoiding plastic, Planting and saving trees etc. We can save our environment by performing environment-friendly activities.

Question-3)What is the value of the environment?

Ans. The value of the environment cannot be measured as it is the supreme of all and is a supporting system for the lives of all living organisms. Without it, we can’t even imagine our existence on earth.