Ranga’s Marriage Class 11 Summary, MCQ, and Questions & Answers

Ranga’s marriage class 11

Ranga’s Marriage Class 11 – See the NCERT MCQs for Class 11 English Chapter 3 Ranga’s Marriage below, along with free PDF downloads of the answers. Based on the most recent exam format, MCQ Questions for Class 11 English with Answers were created. Students can better understand the subject using the Ranga’s Marriage Class 11 English MCQs Questions and Answers we supplied.

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Ranga’s Marriage Class 11 – Summary

Ranga’s Marriage Class 11 – An intriguing interpretation of Masti Venkatesha Iyengar’s marriage tale may be found in Ranga’s marriage summary. The narrator of this story describes an intrigue in his life. It is about the Hosahali village. There was a boy in the village by the name of Ranga. The youngster is unique in that he is the first person to travel to Bangalore to study English. As a result, when he returns, the narrator and the people want to see him. They anticipate that the Ranga will now undergo adjustments, but he doesn’t. Ranga will be married off by the narrator to a decent girl. As a result, we gain knowledge about how marriage arrangements work and what happens throughout that time. The story of marriage and village life is intriguing.


A boy named Ranga resides in the Mysore village of Hosahalli. He travels to Bangalore to attend an English-medium school. All of the locals flocked to his home when he got back to the village to see if the youngster had changed. To their dismay, Ranga is still the same as he was before.

Even so, everyone left after he greeted them with a Namaskar. Hosahalli is a charming village with excellent mangoes. Hosahalli is a tiny village that is not well-known. The narrator remains behind at Ranga’s home after the villagers have left so they may converse.

As a result of their conversation, the narrator decided it would be a good idea to find a compatible girl because Ranga is not yet considering marriage and only wants to wed an admirable and mature woman. Thus, the narrator makes the decision that he will undoubtedly marry Ranga. Ratna, in his opinion, would be the ideal partner for Ranga. Ratna, who comes from a large city, is an accomplished musician who plays the veena and harmonium.

As a result, he chooses to call Ratna on purpose when Ranga was present. She hypnotises Ranga when he first sees Ratna. To play a joke on Ranga, the narrator pretends to be married. Ranga is disappointed because he has grown to like her. He brings Ranga to an astrologer as the narrator had intended.

Ranga had everything planned out and had previously made plans with the astrologer. Ranga is thus guided to reveal his feelings for Ratna by the astrologer’s inquiries. Her marriage was the root of the issue. However, the astrologer informs Ranga that he is in a relationship with a woman whose name is similar to Ratna. Ranga is extremely thrilled to hear this yet depressed once more because she is not present.

So, after discovering that Ranga is in love with Ratna, he decides to arrange their nuptials. To obtain Ratna’s hand in marriage to Ranga, the narrator visits her home. Finally, the narrative jumps ahead ten years. For his son’s third birthday, Ranga is paying a visit to the narrator. We find that the narrator, who arranged the marriage between Ranga and Ratna, is why Ranga named their kid after him.


In conclusion, Ranga’s Marriage Summary teaches us about the charm of a small town and its traditions while also highlighting the fight to preserve our culture in the face of westernisation.

Ranga’s Marriage Class 11 – Question & Answer

  1. Question: What is said about Hosahalli by the narrator?

Answer: The action is taking place in Hosahalli village. It is not mentioned in geography books by Indian or English sahibs. Any cartographers haven’t mapped it. By drawing a comparison between it and the Karigadabu celebration meal—filling, the narrator emphasises its significance.

  1. Question: What are the two unique products from Hosahalli, and why?

Answer: The raw mango comes first. The brahmarandhra, or the soft area of the child’s head where the bones of the skull subsequently unite, is likely to feel the sourness of its bite. The second speciality is a creeper that grows in the village pond’s water. Its blossoms are a visual feast. On its two leaves, you can serve the midday meal to the entire family.

  1. Question: What was said by Ranga on marriage?

Answer: According to Ranga, a guy should marry a woman he admires and who is mature enough in her views and job. He stated that he would marry such a woman.

  1. Question: Why did the narrator use the phrase “back hole of Calcutta”?

Answer: Hundreds of soldiers and citizens were imprisoned in a small dungeon during the British occupation. Most of them were discovered to have suffocated to death. When the locals learned of Ranga’s return, they flocked to his house in a throng. To compare the scene, the narrator used the phrase “black hole of Calcutta.”

  1. Question: Why was the narrator angry when he learned of Ranga’s marriage intentions?

Answer: Because he preferred Ranga to marry Ratna, Rama Rao’s niece, the narrator was sad to learn of Ranga’s intended marriage. She had just turned eleven. However, the narrator became angry after learning Ranga’s perspective on marriage, which was that he would wed a mature girl.

  1. Question: Why did Ranga impress the narrator during their initial meeting?

Answer: When the narrator first encountered Ranga, he respectfully performed the namaskara and said, “I am fine with your blessings.” His namaskar was conventional and reverent, as opposed to the modern method. He stooped to touch the feet of the narrator. The storyteller was amazed by this.

  1. Question: Why were the villagers interested in seeing Ranga?

Answer: People in the town flocked to observe the difference that Ranga’s ten years in Bangalore had brought about because he was the first to leave for college in Bangalore and his homecoming was celebrated.

  1. Question: How was Ranga to see Ratna planned by the narrator?

Answer: The narrator requested that Ratna be sent to Rama Rao’s home to collect some buttermilk. when Ratna arrived at his place, he asked her to sing a song. By the time Ranga was requested by the storyteller. Ranga arrived, heard the singing, and peeked inside to see the performer. When Ratna became aware of him, she quickly stopped singing.

Ranga’s Marriage Class 11 – MCQ

Q1. After reading this lesson, who do you think was most responsible for Ranga and Ratna’s union?

  1. Rama Rao
  2. Shastri
  3. Ranga
  4. Shyama

Ans – Shyama

Q2. “ There’s greater truth in that shastra than we imagine.” who said this?

  1. Shyama
  2. Shastri
  3. Ratna
  4. Ranga

Ans – Ranga

Q3. What kind of name suggestion did Shastri make for the girl?

  1. Something found in the forest
  2. Something found in the ocean
  3. Something found in the sky
  4. None of the above

Ans – Something found in the ocean

Q4. Why does the narrator call the couple childish?

  1. Because they invited him for dinner
  2. Because they were immature
  3. Because they named their child after him
  4. Because they were playful

Ans – Because they named their child after him

Q5. Why was it unnecessary to be aware of Ranga’s star?

  1. Because Shastri already knew
  2. Because Shastri was taught beforehand by the narrator
  3. Because Shastri was not well versed
  4. All of the above

Ans – Because Shastri was taught beforehand by the narrator

Q6. What is the name of the story’s narrator?

  1. Rangappa
  2. Shastri
  3. Rama
  4. Shyama

Ans – Shyama

Q.7 Ranga was _______about Ratna?

  1. Curious 
  2. Uninterested
  3. Envious
  4. Annoyed

Ans – Curious 

Q8. What is the narrator’s description of Ratana?

  1. A pretty girl of eleven
  2. From a big town
  3. Disrespectful
  4. Both a and b

Ans – Both a and b

Q9. According to Ranga, what type of girl should one marry?

  1. Mature
  2. Admirable
  3. Both a and b 
  4. Not mentioned in the story

Ans – Both a and b

Q10. “As for his namaskar, he did not do it like any present-day boy…” what does it tell about Ranga?

  1. He was well mannered
  2. He was disrespectful
  3. He was forgetful
  4. He changed his caste

Ans – He was well-mannered

Q11. After knowing that Ranga was the same, the crowd was _____

  1. Disappointed
  2. Happy
  3. Angry
  4. Irritated

Ans – Disappointed

Q12. What was Ranga worried about, in the Shastri’s opinion?

1. Concern for a girl
2. Concern for his studies
3. Concern for a job
4. Concern for his village

Ans – Concern for a girl

Q13. What is the “priceless commodity” the narrator refers to?

1. To his native language
2. To mangoes of his village
3. To flowers of his village
4. To the English language

Ans – To the English language

Q14. Later on, Ranga got to know that Ratna was

1. Divorced
2. Widowed
3. Unmarried
4. Engaged

Ans – Unmarried

Q15. What does the narrator’s village’s name mean?

1. Hosahalli
2. Panchavalli
3. Hadinaru
4. None of the above

Ans – Hosahalli

Q16. Shyama has a birthday today. Who is the subject of this line?

1. Ranga and Ratna’s child
2. The narrator
3. A child in the village
4. None of the above

Ans – Ranga and Ratna’s child

Q17. The story “Ranga’s Marriage” is set in a village of

1. Madurai
2. Banglore
3. Mysore
4. Bhubaneswar

Ans – Mysore

Conclusion of Ranga’s Marriage Class 11

Ranga’s Marriage Class 11 – Whatever the reason, Ranga finally marries Ratna, with whom he has two children and who is also eight months pregnant. The child of Ranga, who was given the name “Shyama” in honour of the narrator, is celebrating his third birthday, and the narrator is invited. When the narrator discovers this, he gently reprimands Ranga, noting that while it is customary in England to name the child after someone admires, it is unfair to call the infant “Shyama” because of his pale complexion.

Ranga’s Marriage Class 11Question & Answer

Question: Who is ranga in the story ranga’s marriage?

Answer: A boy named Ranga resides in Mysore’s Hoshali hamlet. He travels to Bangalore to enrol in an English-medium school. All the villagers flocked to his home when he got back to the village to see if the youngster had changed. To their dismay, Ranga is still the same as he was earlier.

Question: Who had experienced similar feelings as Ranga?

Answer: The narrator had experienced similar feelings as Ranga.

Masti Venkatesha Iyengar – Ranga’s Marriage

Ranga's Marriage Class 11
Ranga’s Marriage Class 11

The short novel Ranga’s Marriage by Masti Venkatesh Iyengar is based on the philosophy of child marriage. The story takes set in Hoshali, a mysterious village in the Mysore state. The narrator initially tells stories about his hamlet, explaining why it is hidden from the outside world and why both Indian Babus and British government workers don’t care at all to put it on a map.

The second section of the narrative focuses on Ranga (real name Rangappa) and his views on marriage. The story takes place when India wasn’t yet independent and there wasn’t much of English-speaking culture. The plot begins ten years in the past. The son of the village’s accountant clerk is then sent to Bangalore to pursue his education.

After six months, when he comes home, people congregate outside his house to observe his transformation. Well, they are disappointed because they don’t notice any changes. The narrator lives next door to Ranga. Ranga greets the storyteller with a Namaskar so that he won’t forget his etiquette. Ranga visits the narrator later that day, and they discuss marriage there. The narrator counsels Ranga to wed. Ranga replies that he wanted to marry a mature woman that he could always look up to. Ranga is aware that men are getting married to immature girls who are young, between the ages of eleven and fifteen, as child marriage is a custom in their village.

The narrator feels offended by Ranga’s disregard for marriage. Thus, he decides to quickly arrange the boy’s marriage. The eleven-year-old niece of Rama Roa is a stunning young lady. On a Friday, the narrator summons her to his home and asks her to sing a song while he plays the harmonium and veena. He also sends someone to fetch Ranga. When Ranga arrives, he listens to the music and peeks inside to view the singer’s face, only to behold that stunning female.

Ranga appeared to like the girl based on his facial expressions, but the narrator lets him know that she is already married. Ranga’s expression is one of frustration. Following that, the narrator establishes Ranga’s marriage signs with the village astrologer while in his presence. In front of Ranga, the youngster, he instructs the astrologer on what to say.

He informs the astrologer that Ranga is in love and that the girl’s name is derived from the ocean. The astrologer makes a few guesses before settling on Ratna, the girl’s name.

The narrator notices Ratna waiting at the door as he makes his way back. He leaves for a moment inside before returning. He informs Ranga that the female is not married this time. Incorrect information was previously relayed to him. Ranga is ecstatic, and the narrator claims that the astrologer proved accurate in his predictions.

At this point in the narrative, Ranga has arrived to extend an invitation to the narrator to attend his son’s birthday party. He discovers that Ranga gave his son the name Shyama, which also happens to be the name of the narrator, there. Ranga receives a gentle reprimand from the narrator for naming his son after him. Ranga responds that this practice of naming the infant after a favourite person is common in England.

The novel touches on a few subjects, including child marriage, marital philosophy, colonial life standards, and how they impacted people’s cultures.

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