50 Sentences of Active and Passive voice examples for all tenses

50 Sentences of Active and Passive voice examples for all tenses

The active Voice claims that the action indicated by the verb is carried out by the person or object represented by the grammatical subject. The passive Voice makes the subject the person or thing who is acted on or influenced by the verb’s activity. We can get an idea of this by perceiving 50 sentences of active and passive voice examples for all tenses.If you want practice 100 examples of active and passive voice

The voice of a verb conveys whether the action was performed or received by the subject of the sentence. In English grammar, there are two sorts of voices:

Active Voice:-

Active Voice occurs when an activity done by the subject is communicated through the action word. When a stronger link and clarity between the topic and the action word are required, dynamic Voice is used.

Passive Voice:-

Passive Voice occurs when the subject obtains the activity indicated by the action verb. When the practitioner of the action is unknown, and the focus of the phrase is on the activity rather than the topic, passive Voice is used.

Let’s Understand By an Example

Active: He does not play football.

Passive: Football is not played by him

Active and Passive voice rules for all tenses

General rules

Rules for Active – Passive Voice Conversions

1)Rule 1: To convert an active sentence to passive voice, identify the (S+V+O) Subject, Verb, and Object.


He eats chocolate. (Subject – He, verb – eats, object – Chocolate)

2) Rule 2: Swap the object and subject, such that the object of the active phrase becomes the subject of the passive sentence.

Example :

Active voice: She cooks food. (Subject – She, Verb – cooks, Object – Food)

Passive Voice: The food is cooked by her. (Object Food is interchanged with the subject She).

3) Rule 3: The subject is not always used in passive voice, i.e. the subject in passive voice can be deleted if the phrase without it conveys enough sense.

 Example :

petrol is sold in liters.

4) Rule 4: In an active phrase, change the base verb to the past participle, i.e. third form verb in a passive sentence, i.e. preceded by (By, With, to, etc). In passive voice statements, base verbs are never utilised.


Active voice: She prepares her homework.

Passive voice: Her homework is prepared by her.

Active voice: She knows him.

Passive voice: He is known to her.

5) Rule 5: When converting an active sentence to a passive sentence.
6) Rule 6: Use the appropriate assisting or auxiliary verb (is/am/are/was, for example). Each tense has its own set of criteria for utilising auxiliary verbs in passive voice phrases.

100 examples of Active and Passive voice

100 examples of active and passive voice 

Active and Passive voice structure for all tenses

50 sentences of active and passive voice examples for all tenses.
Active and passive voice examples for all tenses

The rules for active and passive voice for several tenses are presented here, including:

  • Present simple tense
  • Present continuous tense
  • Present perfect tense
  • Past simple tense
  • Past continuous tense
  • Past perfect tense
  • Future simple tense
  • Future perfect tense

However, there are no passive voice forms for these tenses:

  • Present Perfect Continuous Tense
  • Past Perfect Continuous Tense
  • Future Perfect Continuous Tense
  • Future Continuous Tense

Active and Passive Voice Rules for Present Simple Tense

Active VoicePassive Voice(Auxiliary Verb – is/am/are)
Subject + V1+s/es+ objectObject+ is/am/are+ V3+ by + subject
Subject + Do/does+ not + V1 + ObjectObject + is/am/are+ not + V3+ by Subject
Does+ Subject+ V1+Object+?Is/am/are + Object+ V3+ by subject +?
Active and passive voice examples for all tenses

Example of Present Simple Tense

Active: He does not play basketball.

Passive: Basketball is not played by him.

Active:Does he purchase chips?

Passive: Are chips purchased by him? 

Active and Passive Voice Rules for Present Continuous Tense

Active VoicePassive Voice(Auxiliary Verb- is/am/are + being)
Subject + is/am/are+ v1+ ing + objectObject+ is/am/are+ being+ V3+ by + subject
Subject + is/am/are+ not+ v1+ ing+ objectObject + is/am/are+ not + being+V3+ by Subject
Is/am/are+ subject+v1+ing + object+?Is/am/are + Object+ V3+ by subject +?
Active and passive voice examples for all tenses

Examples of Present Continuous Tense

Active: Is Sahil buying a laptop?

Passive: Is a laptop being bought by Sahil?

Active: They are cheering players.

Passive: Players are being cheered by them.

Active and Passive Voice Rules for Present Perfect Tense

Active VoicePassive Voice(Auxiliary Verb- has/have +been)
Subject + has/have+ v3+ objectObject+ has/have+ been+ V3+ by + subject
Subject + has/have+ not+ v3+ objectObject + has/have+ not + been+V3+ by Subject
Has/have+ subject+ v3 + object+?Has/Have + Object+ been+V3+ by subject +?
Active and passive voice examples for all tenses

Example of Present Perfect Tense

Active: Aneesha has challenged him.

Passive: He has been challenged by Aneesha.

Active: Have they left the room?

Passive: Has room been left by them?

Active and Passive Voice Rules for Past Simple Tense

Active VoicePassive Voice(Auxiliary Verb- was/were)
Subject + V2+ objectObject+ was/were V3+ by + subject
Subject +did+ not+v1+ objectObject + was/were+ not +V3+ by Subject
Did+ subject+V1+ object+?Was/were + Object+ V3+ by subject +?
Active and passive voice examples for all tenses

Examples of Past Simple Tense

Active: Chaitu bought a watch.

Passive: A watch was bought by Chaitu.

Active: I saved Tanaya.

Passive: Tanaya was saved by me.

Active and Passive Voice Rules for Past Continuous Tense

Active VoicePassive Voice(Auxiliary Verb- was/were + being)
Subject + was/were + v1+ing+ object.Object+ was/were +being+V3+ by + subject
Subject +was/were+ not+v1+ing + objectObject + was/were+ not +being+V3+ by Subject
Was/were+ Subject + V1+ing + object+?Was/were + Object+ being+v3+ by+ subject+?
Active and passive voice examples for all tenses

Examples of Past Continuous Tense

Active: Kankshi was scratching the wall.

Passive: The wall was being scratched by Kankshi.

Active: Were you reading the poem?

Passive: Was the poem being read?

Active and Passive Voice Rules for Past Perfect Tense

Active VoicePassive Voice(Auxiliary Verb- had +been)
Subject + had + v3+ object.Object+ had+been +V3+ by + subject
Subject +had+ not+v3+ objectObject + had+ not +been+V3+ by Subject
Had+ Subject + V3+ object+?Had + Object+ been+v3+ by+ subject+?
Active and passive voice examples for all tenses

Examples of Past Perfect Tense

Active: Shaily had not received the order.

Passive: The order had not been received by Shaily.

Active: Had they brought the coke?

Passive: Had the coke been brought by them?

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Active and Passive Voice Rules for Future Simple Tense

Active VoicePassive Voice(Auxiliary Verb- will+ be)
Subject + will+ v1+ object.Object+ will+ be +V3+ by + subject
Subject +will + not+ V1+objectObject + will+ not +be+V3+ by Subject
Will+ Subject + V1+ object+?Will + Object+ be +v3+ by+ subject+?
Active and passive voice examples for all tenses

Examples for future simple tense.

Active: Riya will blew the balloon.

Passive: The balloon will be blewed by Riya.

Active: Will you clean the table?

Passive: Will the table be cleaned by you?

Active and Passive Voice Rules for Future Perfect Tense

Active VoicePassive Voice
Subject + will+ have +v3+ object.Object+ will+ have+ been +V3+ by + subject
Subject + will+ have +not+v3+ object.Object + will+ have +not+been+v3+ subject
Will+ Subject+have+v3+ object+?Will + object+have+been+v3+by +subject+?
Active and passive voice examples for all tenses

Examples of Future Perfect Tense

Active: Madhav will not have changed the sofa cover.

Passive: The sofa cover will not have been changed by Madhav.

Active: Ashu will have washed my dress.

Passive: My dress will have been washed by Ashu.

Noun and Pronoun for Active and Passive : Active and passive voice examples for all tenses

Active Voice PronounPassive Voice Pronoun