Invitation And Replies Class 12 Writing Format and Formal Invitation Class 12


Invitation and Replies Class 12th: An invitation is a request, a solicitation, or an attempt to get another person or group of people to join you for some special occasions like birthdays, housewarming parties, inauguration ceremonies, conferences, shows, etc. It can be printed on cards or can be drafted in the form of formal letters.

There are two types of invitations

  1. Formal invitations
  2. Informal invitations

I. FORMAL INVITATIONS: Invitation And Replies Class 12 And Invitation Format Class 12

Formal invitations are polite, pleasant, and courteous. All printed invitations cards are generally considered formal invitations. In a formal invitation card, one starts with the designation of the organizer, followed by the name and address of the host and the details about the date, time, and venue of the function. The name of the chief organiser is also placed with ‘RSVP’ on the bottom left-hand corner of the card.

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Guidelines for Writing Formal Invitation Class 12 And Formal Invitation Class 12

  • Formal invitations do not include the name of the addressee.
  • Formal invitations are always written in the third person i.e. he, she or it is used in place of I, you, or we.
  • The occasion, name of the invitee, name of the host, date, day, time, venue, etc, are written in proper sequence.
  • Some more details like name, designation, address, etc, of organizer, sponsor, or host should be included.
  • If a VIP is invited, then the name of that VIP should appear prominently.

Format of a Card with an Example And Invitation Format Class 12

You are opening an exclusive parlor for ladies. Draft a formal invitation for its inauguration with the necessary details.

Invitation and Replies Example with Answers for Class 12 CBSE
Format of a Card with an Example

Format of a Letter with an Example of formal invitation class 12

Sarvodaya Public School is organizing its Annual Sports day. The Principal wishes to invite Mr. PK Singh, the District
Magistrate as a Chief Guest to preside over the function. Draft a formal letter of invitation to be sent to the above-mentioned

Invitation and Replies Example with Answers for Class 12 CBSE

Invitation and Replies Example with Answers for Class 12 CBSE
Format of a Letter with an Example

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II. INFORMAL INVITATIONS: Invitation And Replies Class 12 And Invitation Format Class 12

Informal invitations are sent for personal occasions/to close friends or relatives. They are written in the form of personal
letters. The style is relaxed and informal.

Format with an Example of Formal Invitation Class 12

HOCUS-POCUS, the magic of focus, presents the Mother’s Pride Baby Show. You are the Secretary of, Mother’s Pride Group.
Prepare an informal invitation for the same.

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Format with an Example of Informal Invitation class 12

Replies to Invitations Writing Class 12

Whenever we receive an invite, it is considered good etiquette to confirm or decline your presence at the event.

Formal Replies and Formal Invitation Class 12

Formal replies involve a certain standard and form. They are usually very short and to the point. In a formal reply, first of all,
the invitation is acknowledged, with a note of thanks in the third person. Acceptance is communicated or regret is shown if the
person is unable to attend the occasion. In case of not attending, a specific reason is to be given.

  • If the invite comes in the form of a printed card, one can simply RSVP the status on the given number.
  • In other cases, you send a reply to the host.

Formal Replies Format with an Example: Invitation and Replies Class 12th

Invitation and Replies Example with Answers for Class 12 CBSE

Draft a suitable reply to the given formal invitation

Invitation and Replies Example with Answers for Class 12 CBSE
Formal Replies Format with an Example

Accepting the Invitation

Invitation and Replies Example with Answers for Class 12 CBSE
Accepting the Invitation

Declining the Invitation

Invitation and Replies Example with Answers for Class 12 CBSE
Declining the Invitation

Informal Replies Invitation Writing Class 12 And Formal Invitation Class 12

In informal replies, simple language is used and the invitation is acknowledged in first or second person. Acceptance is
communicated or refusal is regretted with a specific reason.

Invitation and Replies Class 12th And Invitation Format Class 12

Draft a suitable reply to the given informal invitation.

Invitation and Replies Example with Answers for Class 12 CBSE
Informal Replies Format with an Example

Invitation And Replies Class 12 And Invitation Format Class 12

Invitation and Replies Example with Answers for Class 12 CBSE
Informal Replies Accepting the Invitation

Informal Replies Declining the Invitation Class 12

Invitation and Replies Example with Answers for Class 12 CBSE
Informal Replies Declining the Invitation

FAQs: Invitation and Replies Class 12th

Types of invitations?

1. Formal invitations
2. Informal invitations

What is a formal and informal invitation?

Formal invitations are polite, pleasant, and courteous. All printed invitations cards are generally considered formal invitations.
Informal invitations are sent for personal occasions/to close friends or relatives. They are written in the form of personal
letters. The style is relaxed and informal.

What is the full form of RSVP?

Répondez s’il vous plaît

How do you write an invitation?

Formal invitations do not include the name of the addressee.
Formal invitations are always written in third person i.e. he, she or it are used in place of I, you or we.
The occasion, name of the invitee, name of the host, date, day, time, venue etc, are written in proper sequence.
Some more details like name, designation, address etc, of organiser, sponsor or host should be included.
If a VIP is invited, then the name of that VIP should appear prominently.

What does RSVP mean?

abbreviation. Britannica Dictionary definition of RSVP. please reply — used on invitations to ask the invited guests to indicate whether they will be able to attend. ◊ RSVP comes from the French phrase “répondez s’il vous plaît.”

What is an invitation?

An invitation is a request, a solicitation, or an attempt to get another person or group of people to join you for some special occasions like birthdays, housewarming parties, inauguration ceremonies, conferences, shows, etc. It can be printed on cards or can be drafted in the form of formal letters.

What is the reply of invitation?

Thank you for the invitation. I appreciate you inviting me. I / we appreciate you having us. I had an excellent experience.

What is formal and informal invitation?

Formal invites are kind and courteous, formal and formal. Informally sent invites typically take the form of letters. We utilise these to invite our close friends, family members, and other friends to special occasions.

Source : Arihant CBSE English Core Term 2 Class 12 for 2022 Exam (Cover Theory and MCQs) – Sristi Agarwal – Google Books

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